
三月 29, 2002


Commission for Racial Equality
Jagdish Gundara
, UNESCO chair in international studies and teacher education and head of the international centre for intercultural studies at London University's Institute of Education, has been appointed as a commissioner.

Institute of Education, University of London
Susan Hallam
has been promoted to reader of education.

University of Ulster
Richard Nichols
, lawyer, former lord mayor of London and governor of The Irish Society, member Herts Law Society, president Rickmansworth & Sarratt Branch Cancer research Campaign, vice-president British Diabetic Association, member of NCH Action for Children, has been appointed chancellor of the university.
Roy Spence , professor and consultant surgeon in the Belfast City Hospital, honorary lecturer in surgery, anatomy and oncology at Queen's University Belfast and a justice of the peace, has been appointed visiting professor at the university.


Arts & Humanities Research Board
AHRB has awarded fellowships worth a total of £54,000 to the following scholars, research project titles appear in parenthesis below:
Tim Brennan , University of Sunderland (performing Northumbria);
David Brittain , Manchester Metropolitan University, (the photographic magazine: a portable gallery?);
David Cunningham , University of Newcastle upon Tyne,  (activated space: the transformation of internal spaces to become audible and interactive);
Jorn Ebner , University of Newcastle upon Tyne, (landscape/cityscape);
James Faure Walker , Kingston University,  (painting and the digital studio: new thinking and old habits);
Bruce Gilchrist , Oxford Brookes University, (art emergent: the perception of autostereographic imagery translated into sculptural form through rapid prototyping);
Jennie Hayes , Dartington College of Arts,  (field work: the investigation of community based rural arts practice in the twenty first century);
Sandra Johnston , University of Ulster,  (intervening with the history of buildings and place stigmatized by traumatic events);
Stuart Jones , Central St Martins College of Art and Design, The London Institute,  (the walls have mouths - interaction with built space);
Patrick Keiller , Royal College of Art,  (the city of the future);
Ingrid Pollard , South Bank University,  (hidden in a public space: the historical black subject in site specific representation);
Katie Pratt , Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton,  (blind faith - exploring the effects of an objective attention to detail on the painting process);
Gavin Renwick , Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, University of Dundee,  ('Home': placemaking within a self-governed native Canadian homeland);
Catherine Yass , Central St Martins College of Art and Design, The London Institute,  (waking dream);
Andrea Zapp , Manchester Metropolitan University,  ("Human Avatars" - user participation, dramatic interaction and role-playing in networked digital installations);
Fiona Sampson , Oxford Brookes University,  (voice, authority and cultural translation in the testimony of refugee clinicians to Britain 1930-1960);
Pauline Cato , University of Sheffield,  (performance on Northumbrian smallpipes: historical sources, contemporary concerns);
Peter Lamont , University of Edinburgh,  (Magic: between performance and reality);
Lorna Marshall , Loughborough University,  (aspects of Japanese theatre practice as they relate to Western performance);
Suzy Willson , Queen Mary, University of London,   (performing medicine: the theatre of the body).

Cost Sector Catering Magazine
The magazine's University/College Award for 2002 has been presented to Stephen Bland , director of facilities management, at Royal Holloway College, University of London.

Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama
Fellowship of the academy has been conferred upon:
Brian Gill , lord justice clerk of Scotland, chairman of the Scottish Law Commission (1996-2001) and chairman of the academy's board of governors for the last four years.
Rita McAllister , director of the school of music since 1986 and vice principal (1996-99).
Philip Jenkins has been head of keyboard studies at the RSAMD since 1989.
Peter Lincoln , head of movement studies in the RSAMD school of drama since 1992.


University of Leicester
Dr D. G. Lambert , £8,220 from the British Journal of Anaesthesia (Supplement - Studies on the Desensitisation of the Recombinant VRI Receptor - PhD Studentship);
Prof D. Mattingly , Dr D. Q. Fuller , £3,603 from the NERC (Crop Dispersal and Agricultural Adaption in the Libyan Sahara);
Dr M. D. Carr , £189,286  from the Wellcome Trust (Determination of the Structure and Molecular Function of the esat-cfp10 Complex, and Characterisation of the Specificity of Complex Function of the esat6/cpf10 Family Proteins.  Towards an Understanding of the Roles of esat6/cpf10 in Tuberculosis Pathogenesis and Protective Immunity);
Prof P. B. Farmer , £2,669,054 from the MRC (Molecular Biomarkers of Dose and Effect of Genotoxins); and  £22,235 from the CEC via University of Utrecht (AIRNET - A Thematic Network on Air Pollution and Health);
Dr A. Fry , £50,979 from the Cancer Research Campaign (Supplement - Year 3 - Investigation of the Role of the Centrosome in Bipolar Spindle Formation and Chromosome Segregation);
Dr M. Manson , £1,118,666 £1,118,666 from the MRC (Chemoprevention of Cancer - Molecular Mechanistic Studies);
Dr A. Munro , £105,882 from the CEC via Institut Pasteur (Structural and Functional Genomics of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis);
Dr M. Pfuhl , £21,681 from the Royal Society (Supplement - University Research Fellowship);
Prof P. B. Farmer , Prof I. Parker , £9,950 from the British Council South Africa (Mechanism of Mutagenesis in Oesophageal Cancer in South Africa);
Dr S. G. Møller , £191,468 from the BBSRC (Light Signalling and Intercompartmental Communication between Chloroplasts and the Nucleus);
Prof D. Twell , £13,120 from the Royal Society (Comprehensive search for pollen-expressed and pollen-specific genes important for male gametophyte development);
Dr R. J. Challiss , Prof S. R. Nahorski , 3,750 from Novartis Pharmaceuticals (Supplement - GPCR Constitutive Activity);
Dr I. Forsythe , £2,876 from the Wellcome Trust (Supplement - Modulation of Voltage-Gated Ion Channels at a Glutamatergic Synapse - Prize Studentship - P Dodson);
Prof D. Ashton , Prof L. Unwin , £15,479 from the Inland Revenue, Lincoln (Learning Styles);
Dr P. Monks , £18,219 from the CEC via IFU (INSPECTRO - Influence of Clouds on the Spectral Actinic Flux in the Lower Troposphere - FP5 EESD);
Dr C. Beardsmore , £12,100 from Glenfield Hospital NHS Trust (Supplement - Respiratory Function in Infants Following ECMO);
Dr C. O'Callaghan , Prof P. Andrew , 13,723 from the Wellcome Trust (Supplement - Experimental Pneumococcal Meningitis: The Effect of Streptococcus Pneumoniae and it's Virulence Factors on the Functioning and Integrity of the Ciliated Ependyma);
Prof J. Lunec , £21,915 from the Portuguese Government (Studentship - Microarray Study of the Adaptive Response - Student - T. P. D. L. C. Duarte);
Dr J. M. Hales , Dr P. Freestone , £11,500 from The Psoriasis Association (Psorias, Streptococcus Pyogenes and Stress);
Dr B. P. Attard , £9,992 from the ESRC (Australasia and International Capital Markets, 1850-1950); Prof H. Scarborough , £12,885 from the ESRC (Evolution of Business Knowledge: Programme Director: Interim Contract);
Dr C. Comber , Dr M. Brundrett , £9,835 from BECTA (Evaluation of 'Developing School Effectiveness by Improving the Management and Leadership of ICT');
P. Herbert , £31,320 from the East Midlands Arts and National Foundation for Youth Music (Time for Jazz);
Dr R. Watling , Dr R. McEune , £1,000 from the Galleries of Justice (External Evaluation of the RIOT Project);
Dr S. Ablett , £25,993 from the Cancer Research Campaign (High Risk Neuroblastoma Study of SIOP Europe);
Prof M. Clarke , £71,759 from the NHS Executive Trent, Sheffield (Supplement - Trent Neonatal Survey); (£17,500 supplement and £54,259 under reported last year);
Mrs E. Draper , Prof D. Field , Dr J. Konje , £69,489 from the CEC via INSERM (MOSAIC - Models of Organising Access to Intensive Care for Very Preterm Births: A Study of 10 European Regional Health Systems);
Dr K. Williams , Dr K. Abrams , £69,893 from the NHS R & D (HTA) (Systematic Review and Evaluation of Methods of Assessing Urinary Incontinence);
Prof R. H. Baker , £5,181 from the Royal College of General Practitioners (Supplement - Replacement Costs for Dr Lakhani);
Prof C. P. Kyriacou , £9,122 from The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation (Molecular Genetics of Aggression);
Dr M. Plumb , £7,737(supp) from the Leukaemia Research Fund (Supplement - Identification of an Imprinted Tumour Suppressor Gene);
Dr S. Page , Value Reported in December/January Bulletin Supplement (STRAPEAT - Strategies for Implementing Sustainable Management of Peatlands in Borneo, FP5 - INCO-DEV);
Prof A. J. Parsons , the university's geography department with King's College, London: £55,200(supp) from the National Science Foundation via New Mexico State University (Supplement - Jornada Basin LTER IV);
Dr R. W. England , Prof P. Maguire , Dr R. A. Chadwick and Dr T. C. Pharaoh
Studentship - (PhD) £15,300 from the British Geological Survey (The Relationship between Topography and Crustal Structure);
Prof C. Graham , Mr M. Fitch , £9,100 from the Severn Trent Trust Fund (Help From the Trust);
Mr M. Fitch , Dr A. Wilson , Value Reported in February/March 2002 Bulletin Supplement (Applying for Help to Pay Your Water Bill);
Dr P. Houston , £228,485 from the EPSRC (Advanced Fellowship - Anisotropic hp-Adaptive Finite Element Methods for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws);
Prof S. C. Koenig , Dr Snashall , £2,430 from the British Council (Alliance: Franco-British Partnership Programme 2002);
Dr V. R. R. Schmitt , £62,805 from the EPSRC (Enriched Categories Applied to Computer Science);
Dr S. Kilvington , £17,536.48 from Bausch and Lomb (Acanthamoeba Chemotherapeutic and Disinfectant Agent Development);
Prof E. Hooper-Greenhill , J. Dodd . £41,783 from RESOURCE (Learning Impact Research Project: Research Activities, Key Deliverables and Costs (Phase One);
Prof E. Hooper-Greenhill , Dr R. Parry , £97,725 from TCS/Mackenzie Ward Ltd (TCS Programme No. 3814 between University of Leicester and Mackenzie Ward Limited);
Dr S. Knell , £119,838 from the CEC via Syntax SA (Mirroring Communities of Practice in the Natural Science through Technology);
Dr F. Al-Azzawi , £25,000 from the Institute of Women's Health (Supplement - Fixed-Term Lectureship in Molecular Endocrinology);
Prof A. Halligan , £69,168 from the Bayer Corporation (Donation for Pre-Eclampsia Studies);
Dr J. Konje , £41,770 from the TNO (Pre-Eclampsia and Growth Restriction);
Dr I. White , £767,538 from the MRC (Receptor Mediated Toxicity);
Prof A. Gescher , £62,313 from the Pharma Mar (Mechanism of Hepatotoxicity of the Antitumour Agent ET-743); £1,158,092 from the MRC Preclinical and Clinical Studies of Cancer Chemopreventive Agents);
Prof I. Gottlob , Dr F. Proudlock , £126,071(supp) from Ulverscroft Foundation (Supplement - Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Vision);
Dr S. Pavord , Prof K. Pasi , £12,000 from Woodhouse Eaves Committee (Thromboelastography, Thrombophilia and Pregnancy);
Dr C. Nicklin , £4,046 from the EPSRC (The Structure of Platinum Surfaces Under High Gas Pressures);
Prof C. A. Norris , £250 from CLRC (The Growth of the Ternary Semi-Conductor, Indium Antimonide (oo1));
Dr J. Osborne , Dr J. Pye , £9,926 from the Smithsonian Institution (Purchase of Weblogic Software);
Mr D. Smith , £1,000 from PPARC (An Educational Satellites Card Game);
Prof A. Wells , Prof N. Nelms, £3,500 from CLRC (Supplement - A New Determination of the Charged Pion Mass);
Dr A. Keay , Dr J. E. Lees , Mr Q. Davies , Dr M. Y. Early , £49,094 from the MRC (Investigation of Scintillator-Coated CCDs for Medical Imaging);
Dr M. Watson , £269,343 from PPARC (Astrogrid Project Manager Support Grant);
Dr H. Andrews , £150,145 from the Leicestershire & Rutland Healthcare NHS Trust (Supplement - Information Support to Monitor the Impact of Changes in Service Development for People with Enduring Health Problems);
Prof J. Lindesay , £102,208 from the Leicestershire & Rutland Healthcare NHS Trust (Supplement - Research and Information Officer); £146,653 from the Leicestershire & Rutland Healthcare NHS Trust (Supplement - Psychiatry for the Elderly Research Funding);
Ms V. Tischler , Prof P. Vostanis , Value Reported in February/March 2002 Bulletin Supplement (The Role of a Family Support Worker for Young Families);
Prof P. Vostanis , £29,884 from the Department of Health via Leicester City Council (Supplement - Evaluation of CBIIs);
Dr P. Bradding , £12,861 from Schering Plough Ltd (Supplement - Sputum Eosinophilia in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and the Response to an Inhaled Corticosteroid, Mometasone Furoate);
Dr R. Green , Prof A. J. Wardlaw , £15,600 from the British Medical Association (Role of Novel Bacterial Pathogens in Intrinsic Asthma (Fellowship);
Prof A. Wardlaw , Prof Burton , £1,016 from PPP Healthcare (Supplement - The Genetic Epidemiology of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease);
Mr J. Garland , Mr N. Chakraborti , £8,489 from the Home Office (Minority Ethnic Communities' Perceptions of the Criminal Justice System in Suffolk);
Dr R. James , £29,118 from the CEC via UCL (Treatment of HI - Evolving Evidence Based Treatment Strategies for Infantile Hyperinsulinism using Clinical, Genetic and Cell Biological Insights into a Heterogenous Disease - FP5 - CA);
Prof M. L. Nicholson , £19,856(supp) University Hospitals of Leicester (Supplement - Funding for Two Research Posts).



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