Academic publishing

An eccentric approach helped build the Oxford University Press empire, argues Felipe Fernández-Armesto

27 February

Getting image permissions for monographs is costly, slow and vexing

23 May

Adrian Furnham has had his share of peer review nightmares, but the frailties of the system have also worked in his favour

23 May

We must hold up a mirror to scientific peer review if we are to stamp out fraud and uphold the discipline’s reputation, argues Philip Moriarty

18 April

Longer embargo periods of up to 24 months for green open access will only apply when universities’ annual block grants for “gold” article fees have run out, Research Councils UK has confirmed.

6 March

A series of high-profile research scandals within social psychology have led to unjustified attacks on the whole academic discipline. Wolfgang Stroebe and Miles Hewstone declare that the majority must not suffer for a tiny minority’s misconduct

28 February