
The tabloid campaign to save the Open University has forced ministers to review a crisis precipitated by their party’s higher education policy, writes John Gill

19 April

Just like Hollywood and Parliament, academia has entrenched power hierarchies. It can’t pretend that sexual harassment doesn’t take place

16 November

Despite their scientific achievements, women account for only 5% of Nobel prize-winners. It diminishes them – and the award, says John Gill

28 September

Countries worldwide are grappling with the challenge of expanding higher education with limited resources while maintaining quality 

21 September

Universities used to be thought unsinkable, but the unthinkable – an institution going to the wall – is now a genuine, if yet remote, prospect

17 August

Few in academia will have celebrated Brexit’s first anniversary but the unpredictable year since the vote has shown the power of a united voice

29 June

The TEF results will not halt universities’ unease about the exercise, the prospect of gaming the system or anxiety about long-term consequences

22 June