African Development University

SSA University Rankings 2023
Village de la Francophonie, Niamey, Niger

About African Development University

The African Development University is a bilingual (French and English) institution that was founded in 2017 by Kader Kaneye.

The university is located in Niamey, the capital and largest city of Niger. Situated on the banks of the Niger River, surrounded by the Tillaberi region, Niamey is the country’s administrative, cultural and economic hub.

Academically, the university is organised into three undergraduate faculties: management (project and accounting), artificial intelligence and law. It also offers two graduate degree programmes in business administration and law for students looking to further their studies in a more specific subject area.

The university has partnered with the Mastercard Foundation in its global Scholars’ Programme to provide academically talented young people from economically disadvantaged communities in Niger and the rest of Africa with access to quality university education. This initiative gives full-cost scholarships to young Africans who are first-time undergraduate, first degree-seeking applicants.