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Best universities in the world 2018

Best universities in the world 2024

Find the world’s top universities in 2024 using the latest Times Higher Education World University Rankings data

September 27 2023
Downtown Toronto

Best universities in Toronto 2024

Find the best universities in Toronto using Times Higher Education’s World University Rankings data

January 11 2024
chemist, chemistry, science, research

Best universities for physics, chemistry and maths degrees 2024

Find the best universities for physics, chemistry and maths using Times Higher Education’s World University Rankings 2024 data

October 26 2023
Chemical engineering

What can you do with a chemical engineering degree?

Chemical engineering requires a range of scientific and analytics skills. The study of chemical engineering will become increasingly more important with the shift towards renewable energy sources

May 3 2024
Best universities for reducing inequality

Best universities for reducing inequalities

Explore the top 100 universities for reducing inequalities based on data collected for the Times Higher Education University Impact Rankings

September 12 2024
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