Survival guide for international students: your first 168 hours in the United States
A successful businessman who came to America as a young student shares his advice for incoming international students
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- Study abroad

For international students, the seven days prior to orientation is a period in which crucial decisions can impact the quality of your entire stay in the United States. We hear first-hand from international students about their early misfortunes, “wish-I-knews” and hindsight, and every time we wonder why this information isn’t more widely available.
Your first week is really about getting basic tools and services set up so that you can hit the ground running as soon as school starts. Here is a survival guide for what to accomplish in your first week in the United States as an international student.
1. Choose a US-based cell phone plan
Perhaps the most unsettling feeling when you step off the plane in the US happens when you pull out your mobile phone and see a “no service” signal. It’s in your best interest to get to a cell phone store as soon as possible after landing, as many of the following survival tips require a phone.
You have three choices when it comes to cell phone plans:
1) using an unlocked cell phone from home and purchasing a new SIM card in the US
2) buying a new phone and setting up a pre-paid plan
3) buying a new cell phone and setting up a contract plan.
For option 1), it’s important to note that most international phones are locked in the US, which eliminates the option. If you have an unlocked phone, campusSIMS is a great option for purchasing a new SIM card.
For option 2) pre-paid plans require you to pay a fee each month upfront but do not require a contract. In general, they cost more per month, but do not require a Social Security number (SSN) or a credit check.
For option 3), contract plans generally last two years and require either a SSN or a credit check, which most international students cannot provide.
It doesn't make much sense to continue using your home cell plan and pay for international minutes while in the US. It also doesn’t make much sense to add international minutes to a US-based cell plan. There are plenty of free mobile and desktop messaging apps – such as WhatsApp, Viber, Skype and WeChat – that will allow you to freely call home at any time.
2. Fight your desire to sleep during daylight
Your first instinct coming off the plane may be to sleep. Unless you cannot physically keep your eyes open because of jet lag, it’s best if you fight the desire to sleep during daylight hours. First off, all the places and businesses that are important to your first week generally aren’t open outside the hours of 8am to 6pm, so daytime sleeping can have the negative effect of delaying important tasks from getting done.
In the broader sense, getting into a consistent, eight-hour sleep routine as early as possible will be beneficial to your health once classes begin. Research states that it takes the average person a week for their sleep patterns to adjust.
Once classes start, make sure you try and stick to a consistent sleep routine as much as you can. All nighters and sleeping through the day isn't the best way to boost your productivity.
3. Open a bank account and set up a credit card
Having a US bank account will make it much easier to manage your finances, get to money quickly without crazy fees, and easily pay off your credit card bill.
Because most international students generally don’t have cars, or don’t want to take an Uber every time they need to grab cash, it’s best to check out which banks have ATMs/cash machines on campus, and/or which banks have branches within walking distance of campus. In addition to proximity, you’ll want to do a bit of homework on what types of bank accounts they offer and what the requirements are. In general, you’re looking to set up a checking account that has low to no monthly service fees; doesn’t require a high minimum balance; and has a modest transaction limit that safeguards your account if your debit/ATM card gets stolen.
From our experience, most international students don’t understand the need or benefits of having a credit card while staying in the US. Particularly in the first week, there are so many urgent tasks to take care of that setting up a credit card seems abstract or unnecessary. Out of convenience, most international students are set up as an authorised user on their parents’ debit card or credit card, which routes back to an international bank account. At the superficial level, this set-up guarantees that every purchase you make will be visible to your parents on their account. Seeking privacy and independence, most international students get so far as opening up their own US bank account and setting up a debit card but stop short of getting a credit card.
Setting up a credit card is your ticket to establishing a clear, reliable financial footprint, which opens doors later for everything from renting an apartment, getting a loan, being hired at a new job or starting a business. You may not know if you want to stay in the US long term, but having a credit card and paying your bills on time can have the biggest impact on your ability to make a life in America – more so than any other tip on this list.
If the long-term prospect is not motivation enough, using a credit card is also much safer than regularly using a debit card. It’s difficult to see the difference between a debit card and credit card when you make a swipe, but unlike a credit card, a debit card is not protected. If your debit card is stolen or lost, and someone gets access to your account, there is no way to recover the money lost.
4. Review your health insurance options and sign up
As an international student, you are required to have health insurance during your stay in the US. However, in the US, you don’t simply “have” health insurance, you choose to have it. The distinction is important because in most countries, there isn’t a long, complicated or expensive process for people to get health insurance. If you are a citizen, it’s implied that you get it.
In America, not all health insurance is created equal. Trust me when I say that the average American doesn’t understand the US healthcare system. My best advice is to work with your international student office and have them assist you in understanding each insurance option and what it offers in terms of cost and extent of care. Most likely, your medical needs can be addressed at the campus health centre, but in the event that you need a medical specialist, you may want to investigate which doctors’ offices are near to campus and if your insurance applies.
As a student already making significant investments to live and study in the US, the last thing you want is to become saddled with medical costs in the event of an unexpected illness or accident. That’s why we recommend reviewing your insurance options within the first week, and if possible signing up, so you can rest easy knowing that you are covered and cared for during the entirety of your stay.
Got any other Survival Week tips? Let us know in the comments below!