Sources for research funding

March 10, 2000

Each week this section lists funds available for academic researchers. Items for inclusion should be


Small Grants in the Creative and

Performing Arts

The scheme provides awards up to a maximum of Pounds 5,000 to meet the costs directly related to advanced research projects in the creative and performing arts. The aims are: to support research activity of the highest quality conducted by individual scholars across all areas of the creative and performing arts; to enable individual scholars to pursue

well-defined small-scale projects, or parts of longer projects, that are likely to bring advances in knowledge, understanding or insight where appropriate, to support the preparation of research for public

output. The scheme is open to members of the academic staff of higher education institutions. Full-time and part-time members of staff on teaching-and research contracts can apply. Applicants for a small research grant should be of postdoctoral level (or equivalent), or beyond. Deadline: March 31. Further information from Marinka William-Cassell, Arts and Humanities Research Board, Northavon House, Bristol BS16 1QD; tel: 0117 931 7417; email:


Research Grants

The fund promotes medical research into heart disease and related disorders, treatments and cures of such complaints and the dissemination of useful results. To apply for a grant, interested parties are required to send 10 copies of their application, outlining their aims and objectives, to the National Heart Research Fund medical review panel. The panel is comprised of medical trustees of the charity who assess each application on its individual merit. They then make recommendations to the board of trustees. For details call David Marriott on 0113 297 6203. To request an application form, telephone 0113 234 7474 or email from; or write to: National Heart Research Fund, Concord House, Park Lane, Leeds LS3 1EQ. Alternatively, print the form from the website, fill in the details and send to the address above. Next deadline: March 31.



The research projects supported by the Anglo-German Foundation are usually comparative in nature and carried out or organised jointly by teams in Britain and Germany who submit a single application. In the first instance, contact projects director, Dr Ray Cunningham at the address below, with a brief outline of the proposal. The Anglo-German Foundation considers applications for funding for research projects, seminars, workshops and conferences on any issue relevant to the beneficial development of industrial society. At present, the following areas are of special but not exclusive interest: employment and unemployment; public spending and taxation; the future of the welfare state; adjustment to European and global change; the environment. Minor grants: up to Pounds 4,000. Applications can be submitted at any time after consultation with Dr Cunningham. Major grants: up to Pounds 50,000. Applications for large grants have to be submitted to the foundation's board of trustees. The board meets three times a year. Next deadline: March 31. Further details by post: Anglo-German Foundation, 17 Bloomsbury Square, London WC1A 2LP; fax: 020 7405 2071; tel: 020 7404 3137; email:


Research Networks in Mathematics


The EPSRC Mathematics Programme is actively encouraging research collaborations between mathematicians, statisticians, operational researchers and researchers in other disciplines and in non-academic organisations. The EPSRC wishes to receive high quality proposals for Networks with the long-term objective that the support of such networks will promote new or enhanced collaborative links involving mathematicians and others.

Deadlines: June 1;

December 1. Each network should involve a group of people providing a range of expertise and experience. The network should be based in the UK, but may include collaboration with others outside the UK. The proposed network should preferably be a new collaboration, but could be based upon an existing network, provided that the proposal demonstrates added value, eg demonstrating new research activities or directions. EPSRC will provide funding to cover the operating and support costs of a network up to a limit of Pounds 60,000. Funding will be for a maximum of three years. Full details on the web. Queries should be addressed to: Deborah Miller, Associate Programme Manager, Mathematics; tel: 01793 444162; fax: 01793 444007; email:



Research Grants

AICR's aim is to support fundamental research into the basic mechanisms involved in the development of those diseases commonly known as cancer. The emphasis is on scientific, as opposed to clinical research, but no rigid distinction is drawn between the two. There are no restrictions on the areas of cancer research which the Association funds. Projects are mainly for three years and include funding for research staff, consumables, small items of equipment and travel to conferences. Projects often need preliminary results prior to seeking major funding, and such "pump priming" is also an important part of research expenditure. The Association is keen to support recently qualified researchers, and encourages applications from this quarter. In particular, AICR encourages innovative research and projects run by recently qualified researchers. Types of awards available: three-year project grants and one-year pilot grants. Contact for grant enquiries by email:

Application forms and information on the current round are obtainable from the web site. There are two rounds of grant submissions each year. Next deadline: April 28. Contact: AICR, Madras House, St. Andrews, Fife, Scotland, KY16 9EH; Tel: 01334 477910; fax: 01334 478667; email: aicr@



Fulbright/Astra-Zeneca Research Scholarship The Fulbright Commission is pleased to offer a scholarship in conjunction with Astra-Zeneca plc for a post doctoral scientist to conduct research at a top centre in the United States on an aspect of cell biology or molecular biology or bio-informatics. The award is worth Pounds 15,000 plus round trip travel and is available for a minimum of 10 months from September 2000. Candidates should be EU citizens/resident in the UK

Applications should include a letter of invitation from the US institution acting as host

Candidates should have/expect to have a PhD in a relevant area before departure to the US.

Candidates will normally be expected to seek a career in industry on their return. Deadline: April 6. Contact: The Programme Director, Fulbright Commission, 62 Doughty Street, London WC1N 2LS.



Scholarships and Grants in Optical

Science & Engineering

The aim of SPIE's scholarships and grants program is to recognise, assist and encourage, students with outstanding potential for long-range contribution to the field of optics. SPIE enourages all US and international students who are studying in the field of optics, optical science and engineering, including photonics, electrooptics and optoelectronics, to apply for

SPIE scholarships.

Student Scholarships

Scholarships are available to undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students studying in the field of optics, optical science and engineering. Scholarship awards typically support tuition and related expenses; travel to SPIE or other technical meetings; research activities and initiatives; and supplement existing research and teaching assistantships. Application forms must show demonstrated personal commitment to and involvement of the applicant in the fields of optics, optical science and engineering, and indicate how the granting of the award will contribute to these fields. To apply for a scholarship the student must: submit one typed scholarship application form and submit two letters of recommendation not more than one page each. Application form available online.Application deadline: submit by fax or mail by March 31.




Project Grants

A limited amount of money is available each year to support research projects, to purchase equipment, to assist in the holding and attending of educational meetings, lectures and courses, to publish, translate and to transmit information on animal welfare. Proposals must have a clear relevance to improving the welfare of farm, laboratory, companion, wild or zoo animals. Grants are not normally intended to fund undergraduate courses, undergraduate expeditions, MSc courses, PhDs or straightforward veterinary, conservation or ecological work which has little welfare interest. Application forms are available from: UFAW, The Old School, Brewhouse Hill, Wheathampstead, Hertfordshire

AL4 8AN. Applicants need to provide a concise outline of the project or proposal and an assessment of the likely benefit to animal welfare. Next deadline:

March 31.


INVEST Research


This fellowship provides opportunities to work with established scientists engaged in NIDA-supported research at US institutions. Each fellow receives training in drug abuse research techniques and methodologies under the mentorship of the NIDA grantee. During the period of support, the fellow and his or her mentor develop a potentially fundable collaborative research project to be carried out in the fellow's home country. Fellowships are awarded for one year.

Each fellow receives a stipend based on his or her qualifications, and anticipated fellowship expenses. The stipends range from US $21,000 to US $32,300. In addition to the stipend, the Fellowship provides funds for roundtrip travel from and to the home country for the fellow only; health insurance; and limited travel. To be eligible an applicant must: be a citizen or permanent resident of a country other than the United States; hold an earned doctoral degree in medicine, health, behavioural, biomedical, or social science; have a minimum of two years' postdoctoral research experience; have demonstrated the ability to engage in independent research; have assurance from an institution in the home country that there is a position to which the applicant can return after completion of the fellowship; be proficient in written and spoken English; be eligible for a J-1 visa to enter the United States; be outside the United States at the time the application is submitted. Individuals interested in applying for the fellowship need to identify a mentor who is a drug abuse researcher engaged in NIDA-supported research at a US institution. Further details on the web. Interested scientists should request an application pack and further information from: NIDA's INVEST Program, NIDA International Program, National Institutes of Health, 9000 Rockville Pike, Building No31 Room 1B 59, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA; tel: (301) 594 1928; fax: (301) 402 5687; email: Notification of award: June 1.

Deadline: April 1.

Compiled by Sarah Knowles. A more comprehensive version of this service is available to subscribers on our Research microsite at

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