Sources for research funding

August 27, 1999

Each week this section will list funds available for academic researchers. Details should be submitted to

Funding listings

are compiled by Sarah Knowles 0171 782 3225 Email: sarah.knowles@ ENGINEERING &


Advanced Magnetics Programme - Ninth Call for Proposals

The programme encompasses four main themes: Structured Films, Information Storage, Advanced Hard and Soft Magnetic Materials, and Characterisation of Advanced Magnetic Materials. Linking the theme areas is the fact that one or more critical dimensions of the magnetic systems under investigation are normally constrained to a value which lies in the nanometre range. Further details of the programme, including the ROAME statement and all funded grants, are available on the EPSRC website. No area of the portfolio is precluded when submitting applications in response to this, the penultimate call. However at the eighth meeting of the Advanced Magnetics Programme Management Panel it was recognised that there is a need to stimulate research in magnetic recording, and high speed switching of magnetic materials.

Proposers are strongly encouraged to discuss their proposal in the first instance with the Programme Co-ordinator. Proposals should be made on the EPS(RP) form or EPS(eRP), clearly marked AMP (Advanced Magnetics Programme). Deadline: October 1. Contact details: EPSRC, Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon SN2 1ET; Dr Michael Statham

Associate Programme Manager, Physics Programme; Tel: (01793) 444445; Fax: (01793) 444007; Programme Co-ordinator, Professor K O'Grady, Magnetic Materials Research Group

School of Electronic Engineering, University of Wales, Bangor, Dean Street, Bangor, Gwynedd. LL57 1UT; Tel: 01248 382513; Fax: 01248 361429.



Livestock Production Programme - call for concept notes.

LPP invites applications for funds to support a limited number of livestock research projects to commence in April 2000. Concept notes are invited from institutions with relevant skills and experience. Deadline for concept notes submission: September 24. Full details are available on the LPP website. For further information contact Sarah Godfrey, Project Co-ordinator LPP. Tel: 01634 883805; Fax: 01634 883937; Email:




Interdisciplinary centre for climate change research - The Natural Environment Research Council, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council , and the Economic and Social Research Council will jointly sponsor a new interdisciplinary centre for climate change research. Outline bids to host the centre are sought from UK Higher Education Institutions or consortia led by such institutions. The new centre will foster interdisciplinary research that integrates environmental science, technology development, and socio-economics. The purpose will be to enhance understanding of the integrated system to provide research that underpins solutions to the climate change problem. The centre could include a mix of core research, visiting scientists, networking and other activities. Further particulars are available from Ian Dwyer, NERC, Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon SN2 1EU; Tel: 01793 411511; Email: Deadline: outline proposals should be returned by October 16.


The JSPS is a quasi-governmental organisation, established for the purpose of contributing to the advancement of science. Study visits to Japan Awards cover research in the natural sciences, including mathematics, engineering, medicine and the scientific research aspects of psychology, archeology, geography, agriculture and the history of science.The are normally 2 weeks to 3 months. in duration. Up to 6 months will be considered. The terms of the award for visits from the UK is an APEX or similar airfare, and a contribution towards subsistence and travel in the host country. (Local costs paid by the Society, or by the partner if under agreement arrangements.)

For further details contact the International Exchanges Section at the Royal Society, 6 Carlton House Terrace

London SW1Y 5AG Tel: 0171 839 5561; Fax : 0171 930 2170;

Deadlines: September 20, March 20.





Applications for

Bean Time

Operating a powerful source of light in the X-ray range, the ESRF is a large experimental facility for basic and applied research in physics, chemistry, materials and life sciences. Deadline for proposals is September 1. Beam time is allocated on the basis of scientific merit, following the recommendations of the Review Committees, and provided the experiment proposed meets technical feasibility and safety requirements. Proposal forms are available on the website, or contact: ESRF, BP 220, F-38043 Grenoble Cedex, France; Tel: +33 (0)4 76 88 20 00; Fax: +33 (0)4 76 88 20 20; Email:


Commissioning of new Research Centres/Research Groups and Priority Networks - call for outline applications.The Research Centres/Groups competition will address two topic areas, which are: Corporations, States and Communities and Environmental Decision Making. The Priority Networks competition will focus on the topic: Challenging the Culture of Mobility: Widening Opportunities, Lessening Travel. Applications that fall outside these sub-themes will not be accepted. Applications must be from researchers based at UK higher education institutions and other research institutes eligible for ESRC funding. It is anticipated that new research centres, research groups or Priority Networks will commence in October 2000, or as soon as is practically possible thereafter. Further details and outline applications can be downloaded from the web. Deadline: 5.00pm October 11. For further information contact Naomi Beaumont or Jeremy Neathey, Research Division, ESRC, Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon, SN2 1UJ; Email: or jeremy.neathey@esrc.




Digital library research: a call for


The Commission will consider proposals for full-scale projects carried out over one to three years, but would also welcome shorter projects of six months or less. The Commission would welcome research on user needs and behaviour, for example studies of how people use information in the digital environment and any barriers; information skills and appropriate and intuitive information delivery mechanisms. The Commission would also welcome proposals considering: legal and ethical issues including intellectual property rights, such as copyright and licensing; privacy and security economics, for example, improving the competitiveness of the UK; economic modelling of social, cultural, political and organisational impacts, including potential impacts, of digital information provision, and the implications for digital information provision of societal drivers Proposers should bear in mind social, economic and political agenda and also take international developments into consideration. Copies of the Guide and application forms are available from the Commission's Awards Administration team at the address below. The Guide is also available on the website. Deadline: 12 Noon October 29.

The address below should be used for requesting documentation and submitting proposals and completed application forms: Digital Libraries Call, Library and Information Commission, 5th Floor, 19-29 Woburn Place, London WC1H 0LU; Tel: 0171 3 8702/8704; Fax: 0171 3 8701; Email: For further information contact:

Adrienne Muir Tel: 0171 3 8722; Email:


Second Call for

Conference Proposals

Since 1990 the European Science Foundation (ESF) has been running the Programme of European Research Conferences (EURESCO), consisting of top-level scientific discussion meetings in all areas of research, from mathematics and natural sciences to engineering sciences, social sciences and humanities. This Programme promotes series of meetings, devoted to the same general subject, normally taking place about every other year. The ESF is now inviting proposals for new conference series, as well as for the continuation of established ones, when justified. Proposals should be drafted according to the Guidelines on the EURESCO web page.Before developing a full size proposal it may be appropriate to contact the EURESCO office by email with a short synopsis to verify whether the planned event(s) would, in principle, be suitable for the EURESCO scheme. Deadline: September 15. Only proposals for conferences taking place in the year 2001 or after will be considered. Contact: European Science Foundation

EURESCO Office, 1, Quai Lezay-Marnesia, 67080 Strasbourg Cedex France Tel: +33 3 88 76 71 35;

Fax: +33 3 88 36 69 87; Email: euresco-

National Institutes of Health


Mechanisms in

Infectious Diseases

The goal of the program announcement is to encourage development of a predictive science of infectious diseases by applying the perspectives, theories, and methods from evolutionary biology to important issues of disease

emergence, prevention and the consequences of treatment. Research projects involving interdisciplinary collaborations are an explicit goal of this program announcement. Approaches might include, but are not limited to, microbiology, population dynamics, chemistry, biochemistry, and computational biology. The focus is limited to discovery of fundamental biological principles rather than on detailed knowledge or treatment of specific diseases. Application kits are available from the Division of Extramural Outreach and Information Resources, National Institutes of Health, 6701 Rockledge Drive, MSC 7910, Bethesda, MD 20892- 7910, USA; email:

Direct inquiries regarding programmatic issues to: Irene Anne Eckstrand, Ph.D, Division of Genetics and Developmental Biology, National Institute of General Medical Sciences, Building 45, Room 2AS.25K, MSC 6200 Bethesda, MD 20892-6200, USA; Email:


International Travel Grant Scheme

The International Travel Grant Scheme is intended to help engineering researchers in the United Kingdom make study visits overseas. The scheme is open to postgraduate students, postdoctoral researchers, lecturers involved in research, and chartered engineers in UK higher education institutions and in UK industry. Awards may be sought for attendance at conferences (particularly where the applicant is presenting a paper) and for visits to research institutions and/or industrial sites. Visits may be made for periods of up to two months. Application forms and instructions are available on the website. Further enquiries should be addressed to: International Travel Grants, The Royal Academy of Engineering, 29 Great Peter Street, Westminster, London SW1P 3LW; Tel: 0171 222 2688; Fax: 0171 233 0054. No deadline.


Applications are now invited for the second round of grants for 1999/2000 as follows:

Research Project Grants Applications are invited for project grants to fund research into renal disease and the kidney. Grants are for a maximum of Pounds 75,000 and spread over a period from one to three years.

Senior Fellowships

Applications are invited for clinical and non-clinical senior fellowships. Clinical senior fellows should have completed a period of research training as well as initial clinical training. Non-clinical fellows should have extensive post-doctoral experience and will have already demonstrated a sustained ability to conduct independent renal research, or diseases that affect the kidney. The salary will be based on the appropriate university scale. Both types of senior fellowship are from three to five years (subject to review in the third year). Training Fellowships The purpose of the awards is to enable medical or scientific graduates to gain specialised training in renal research. Medical applicants should be at SHO or specialist registrar level. Science applicants should hold a PhD and had two years post- doctoral experience. The Fellowship will be for a period up to three years.


Applications are invited from British higher education for research studentships to be held in a renal research group. The studentships are for 3 years subject to satisfactory annual report.

All applicants must be citizens of EU countries or resident in the UK and all work must take place in the UK. Should your application be successful, you will be expected to provide the NKRF with regular reports. Application forms for all of the above may be obtained by writing, fax or email to the address below. Please state clearly which form is requested. Telephone requests cannot be accepted.

Deadlines: Project Grants; September 17, Fellowships/Studentships; October 15.

Contact: The National Kidney Research Fund,

Kings Chambers, P,

Priestgate, Peterborough, PE1 1FG; Fax: 01733 704690 Email:

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