HKU Science celebrates 80th Anniversary in 2019

6 Feb 2018
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Established in 1939, the Faculty of Science at The University of Hong Kong strives to strengthen its place on the world academic stage by being pre-eminent in Hong Kong, leading in Asia and highly competitive globally across research, teaching and knowledge exchange with the combined efforts of top notch researchers and its commitment in supporting interdisciplinary and innovative research.


Reinforcing HKU's high standing in the world, we have: 

  • 20 of the top 1% highly cited researchers
  • 4 members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 4 members of Science Academies overseas
  • 45 patents for inventions in the last two years
  • degree programmes accredited by the Royal Society of Chemistry, Royal Society of Biology, Society of Actuaries and Geological Society of London
  • a diverse student population: over 30% from 20 countries
  • a highly-international academic staff population: over 60% from outside Hong Kong

Our heritage and our future

Close to 80 years old, the Faculty has bold ambitions to be a formidable international player, particularly in developing a research culture adapted to the modern world. With the creation of an entirely new research division structure, we will, as part of our 80th Anniversary global recruitment strategy, appoint new Research Division Directors to be facilitators, champions and mentors across different science disciplines. By doing so, we will maximise our research performance, identify and nurture research strengths and foci, incentivise research activity and foster interdisciplinary research within and between divisions.