
Outrage over MPs’ expenses will be as nothing to the howls unleashed when people learn that ‘education, education, education’ was a false promise, says Gloria Monday

25 May

Felipe Fernández-Armesto salutes the US military's intellectual proving ground

7 May

Satirical news programme The Daily Show does more than poke fun at the powers that be. It condemns lazy and populist broadcasting, and urges us to question what we are told and what we choose to watch – lessons that go beyond a good laugh, writes Tara Brabazon

22 April

For all that is spent on quality assurance, we get very little reassurance on things that matter, argues Allan Ashworth

16 April

In these days of low morale, universities will try anything to grab positive publicity. Gloria Monday just wishes there was a little less spin and a little more substance

15 April

Let the Twitterati take note. For all the glorious advancements of Web 2.0, there is no substitute for old-fashioned research. Media platforms give us new ways to say things, but we need something to say first, says Tara Brabazon

Defending one’s territory – one of the most basic of instincts – can arouse passions in even the most docile. Gloria Monday finds ways and means of keeping what she’s got

30 March

Viva PhD success - and let's fête the candidates a little, too, says Tim Birkhead

5 March

In which a lecture on the Thirty Years War is swept aside by a juggernaut of animal welfare protests, and Gloria Monday becomes a pro-chicken heroine despite herself

2 March

When Gloria Monday caught a serial cheat presenting her own work back to her, she thought justice would be swift. But she found that institutional reputation counted for more than academic rigour

16 February

Many academics have lived the migrant experience – heading into the unknown, feeling the chill of xenophobia and the vagaries of state power but also finding rewards. Tara Brabazon considers the personal and professional costs and benefits

11 February

Although we might like to think it, music never causes social change. However, an intelligent multimedia reissue of a classic live recording reminds us that it can bear witness to society, writes Tara Brabazon

4 February

Darwin’s insights have cast fresh light on staff meetings, writes Gloria Monday

2 February