The Information Society: New Horizons for Science, Berlin, 7-10 November 2004 (19th International CODATA Conference)

July 23, 2004

22 Jul 2004

Virtually everything we do has been profoundly affected by the Information Revolution: How we travel, how we shop, how we communicate, how we do business. Computers, telecommunications and software have combined to change human existence in every way imaginable. Indeed the changes are so profound that two World Summits on Information Society are underway - one in Geneva 2003 and one in Tunis in 2005.

Science is at the heart of this Information Revolution. The scientific advances of the twentieth century - in materials, electronics, physics, chemistry, applied mathematics and computer science - were fundamental in developing the technology needed to make the information revolution a reality. And in many ways, science today also reflects the impact the Information Revolution has had on science itself - how science is done, how scientific discoveries are made, how scientists work and collaborate.

CODATA 2004 is the first major international conference designed specifically to address all facets of how the Information Society is creating new and unprecedented horizons for science. CODATA 2004 will take place on November 7 - 10, 2004, in Berlin, Germany. The Conference features keynotes talks, plenary lectures and contributed paper sessions that provide new and important insights about the Information Revolution and its impact on science, including

Conference Focus

Scientific data has always been the key to progress in science. And today every scientist must be familiar with, if not a master of, how to collect, manage, analyze and disseminate data using modern informatics tools. CODATA 2004 is THE international conference that brings together the most exciting new developments in scientific data work, especially on a multi-disciplinary basis. CODATA 2004 features sessions on advanced topics such as

  • Data archiving
  • Data visualization
  • Infoscience technology
  • Mark-up languages for scientific information

The information revolution, however, has been more than technological advances. Indeed, the very soul of science has changed, forever broadening the horizon for scientific research.

CODATA 2004 is THE international conference that explores these broad new vistas for science with keynote and plenary presentations on subjects such as

  • Preserving cultural data as our heritage
  • The future of the internet and science
  • Scientific discovery and data preservation
  • How data access impacts on health issues
  • Scientific data and its role in disaster management
  • Bridging the scientific digital divide
  • Scientific data and society

In addition, CODATA 2004 has a third set of sessions focusing on important issues that any scientist deeply involved in data work must address, including

  • Security and open scientific communications
  • Privacy, ethical, legal and IPR issues
  • Scientific data and distance learning
  • Scientific data as a product
  • Preserving the virtual world - what do we save when we model

CODATA 2004 also provides an important forum that explores multi-disciplinary uses of scientific data such as

  • Biodiversity data resources and integration
  • Integrating and using geo-spatial data resources
  • Materials information for modern design
  • Virtual laboratories and data sharing

We invite you to read through this Newsletter to find out more about the Call for Papers and general Conference Information. This information can also be consulted on our website http:/// and will be updated regularly.


Further information

International Council for Science (ICSU) Committee on Data for Science and Technology -- CODATA
Item source: http:/// /04conf/

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