Sources for research funding

July 7, 2000



Interchange Grants

Aim: to support visits with the objective of fostering a research project, or developing a field of research or a highly-specialised discipline where participants can benefit from collaboration and cross-fertilisation of ideas with colleagues from other institutions. Proposals may vary from modest exchanges between two scholars to more elaborate networks involving groups of academics in several institutions, both within the UK and abroad. Such exchanges might typically encompass seminar programmes and/or workshops in neglected areas in need of systematic and/or interdisciplinary research. The scope of the work should be original, international, and of wide significance. All fields are eligible except social policy and welfare; medicine; and school education. Eligible duration: normally up to three years in the first instance. Application procedure: see the website or tel: 020 7822 6938

Deadline for

full applications:

September 1, 4.00 pm.


Impact of devolution on local government in Scotland and Wales

The experience of local government in both Wales and Scotland has diverged markedly from that in England over the last few years. More recently the creation of the Scottish Parliament and the Welsh Assembly has redefined the nature of the central/local relationship. What impact have these changes had on the role and effectiveness of local government in the two countries?

The JRF is inviting proposals for two separate research studies, one in Scotland and one in Wales. As well as exploring distinctive experiences in the two countries, the research will also seek to identify common elements in the impact of devolution.


Up to Pounds 20,000 plus Pounds 5,000 for publication and dissemination is available to each project. Projects should run for approximately nine months and be able to start work early in 2001. Deadline: September 4. Details of how to apply can be found on the website. Contact: Sue Bracewell, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, The Homestead, 40 Water End, York YO30 6WP; email: sue.bracewell@


Health Service &

Public Health Research Scheme

Regional research grants are intended to foster research by the health professions throughout the region. The grants are for 'pump-priming' new areas of research, which may then be carried forward by support from other agencies, and for limited complete studies. They are not for recurrent funding of programmes of research.


The research should be relevant to health service policy and objectives both nationally and locally. Anyone in the health professions may apply for a research grant as may anyone who works in a health authority, trust, general practice or one of the universities in the region. The work supported under this scheme will be health services research. The health services and public health research committee will consider applications in the broad fields of public health, epidemiology, community and health services research. The application form and guidance for applicants can be downloaded from the website or contact: Dr Angela Wilson, R&D Manager - Research

NHS Executive Eastern

6-12 Capital Drive,

Linford Wood, Milton Keynes MK14 6QP; tel: 01908 844555; fax: 01908 844565; email: Next deadline:May 8.



Seed Grant

Research Programme

To assist young investigators in testing hypotheses and defining objectives before they apply for major grants from corporations, foundations, or government agencies. Amount: one-year grant of $25,000 or less, payable to the department in two equal instalments.

Applicant should hold a full-time academic position; have completed all advanced training; and

have not served as principal investigator in a major ($50,000 or more) grant. Any area of radiology-related research is eligible including basic, clinical, developmental, health care planning and delivery, efficacy studies, and education. Applicant need not be citizen/resident of a North American country. The seed grant programme will be offered three times each year. Next deadline: September 15. For questions about the application form itself or submission procedures, contact: Mary Cerceo, Manager: Grant Review Process, RSNA; tel: 630 571 7816; email:



Research Fellowships in the Environmental Sciences

The NERC fellowship scheme aims to provide opportunities for outstanding environmental scientists to devote their time to research, to develop their research careers and to produce work of international importance. Applicants must not hold a tenured post in a UK university at the time of their application. The

following fellowships

are available:

Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

Early career development awards of up to three years initially, to provide further post-doctoral experience and to support outstanding environmental scientists as they become independent investigators.

Advanced Research Fellowships

Awarded for up to five years initially, to enable outstanding early/mid career researchers to develop into team


leaders of international standing.

Senior Research


Awarded for up to five years initially, to enable proven researchers of international standing at mid/peak career level (eg equivalent to HEI readership level) to devote themselves to personal research.

All NERC fellowships include a generous recurrent grant to support items of equipment, consumables, conference attendance and UK fieldwork, and further funding may be awarded for overseas fieldwork. All applications must carry the full support of the host institution, which will be expected to act as the fellow's employer. NERC is particularly keen to attract scientists in areas of applied mathematics, physics or other strongly quantitative disciplines wishing to develop a career in environmental science. Deadline:

September 30.



Ageing and the

Vascular System

Applications are invited for a project grant to be offered jointly by Research into Ageing and the British Vascular Foundation to be awarded for research related to the ageing process within the vascular system. This grant of up to Pounds 30,000 is for one year in the first instance, with the possibility of extension for a further year. Applications for both awards will be considered in November. Outline proposal

deadline: August 4. For further information and outline proposal forms, contact the research manager - Dr Lisa Swanton by emailing



Extending Quality Of Life (Equal) - third call for full proposals

UK research organisations, which are eligible to receive EPSRC funding in managed programmes, are invited to submit full research proposals under the Equal Initiative, in the themes of: rehabilitation; and design for all. The aim of this call is to stimulate high quality, novel engineering research addressing the needs of older people and others that need additional support to lead a full and active life. This will be achieved through collaborative research between engineers, scientists and organisations that can bring the user perspective to bear. Additional collaborations with social scientists, clinicians, designers, ergonomists or other professionals should be established as necessary. Contact: Associate Programme Manager - Emily Horwood, EPSRC, Engineering Programme, Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon, Wiltshire SN2 1ET; tel: 01793 444334; fax: 01793 444187; email: Deadline:

September 29.





The Nasa Office of Space Science is releasing a cooperative agreement notice for participation in the Astrobiology Institute as an innovative way of conducting basic interdisciplinary research in the area of astrobiology; the study of life in the universe. Participation is open to all categories of organisations, foreign and domestic, including industry, educational institutions, and nonprofit organisations. Full details on the web or contact: Dr Rosalind Grymes, Assistant Director, NASA Astrobiology Institute, Mail Stop 240-1, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000, USA; tel: (650) 604 0809; email: NAIcan2

Notice of Intent deadline: August 4. Proposal deadline: September 22.


Functional MRI and Intervention for

Cognitive Deficits after Traumatic Brain Injury

Applications in response to this call will involve collaborative studies that apply fMRI to assess the neurological deficits that accompany changes in executive functioning after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Studies that correlate functional imaging with other assessments of outcome are especially encouraged. Plasticity within the injured brain, or the use of other regions and complementary strategies to accomplish tasks, could either facilitate or inhibit recovery and rehabilitation. At present, little is known about the possible correlation of alterations in imaging patterns with dysfunction produced by TBI, or about the effects of training strategies for TBI-induced deficits on brain structure and function. It is important to know if specific strategies can induce, alter, or redirect functional patterns within the damaged brain, and if those changes are reflected in neuropsychological or behavioural outcome measures. Inquiries to: Mary Ellen Cheung, Injury and Plasticity Program, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Neuroscience Center, Room 2206, MSC 9525, 6001 Executive Boulevard, Bethesda, Maryland 20892-9525, USA; tel: (301) 496 1447; email: mm108w@ Letter of Intent deadline: December 15. Application deadline: February 15.



Wain Fellowships: Overseas Travel for Young Researchers

Wain Fellowships provide travel and subsistence costs for up to three months for researchers who wish to visit an overseas institution in order to undertake a collaborative research project. Applications are now invited in respect of visits proposed for 2001. Up to six awards are available. Applicants must be UK-based and, at the time of application, be either approaching the end of their PhD studies, or at the start of an academic research career. Applications cannot be accepted from staff of government or government financed laboratories. The primary aim of the Wain Fund is to support projects that are of benefit to agricultural research within the remit of BBSRC and Wain Fellowship proposals must address this area of research. Application forms and further details can be obtained from: Mrs Cath Atkinson,

Secretariat and Liaison Branch, Biotechnology and Biological Sciences, Research Council, Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon SN2 1UH;

tel: (01793) 413265; fax: (01793) 413382; Email address: cath. Deadline:

September 30.





Prostate Cancer Grants

Research proposals are sought that focus on translational and clinical programmes to benefit patients with advanced prostate cancer in the near term. Funding is for one year only, and it is an award, so funds cannot be applied to institutional overheads or indirect costs. Application forms can be downloaded, or contact: Cindy Berkson, Science Programmes Manager, Cap CURE, 1250 Fourth Street, Suite 360, Santa Monica, CA 90401, USA;

tel: +1 310 458 2873;

fax: +1 310 458 8074;

email: Application period: August 1 to October 6.


Issues of Cancer


Survivorship grants must directly relate to the study of cancer survivorship but are not limited to any specific topic or cancer disease. All applications evaluating pathophysiologic, psycho-social and financial issues are encouraged. The foundation is particularly interested in grants directly affecting patient care. The yearly budget may not exceed $50,000. Grants can be renewable for up to three years pending annual review and approval of work in progress by the foundation. Indirect costs may be included but cannot exceed 10%. Contact: Steven N Wolff, Grant Applications, 1210 Parkway, Austin, Texas 78703, USA; tel: +1 800 496 4402; fax: +1 512 236 8482. Deadline: August 15.




Small Grants

The society is open to applications from individuals in eligible institutions for small grants to support research relevant to agriculture, horticulture or the rural environment, preferably with direct regional importance to the north east of England. Normally only universities and other institutions of higher education in Yorkshire and the north east of England are eligible to apply. Applicants should be established research scholars with proven ability in research. Eligible fields: projects which are directed to the development of agricultural or horticultural production, improvement or protection of the rural environment, farm animal welfare, forestry, novel crops, novel products from agricultural or horticultural sources, in the UK. The society aims to support small discrete projects or projects which, if successful, will enable the applicants to apply to other funding agencies to continue the research at a higher level of funding. Grants will be for three years or less. Normally awards will be for Pounds 10,000 or less for the duration of the grant. Next deadline: August 31. Enquiries to: The Chief Executive, Yorkshire Agricultural Society,

Great Yorkshire Showground, Harrogate, North Yorkshire HG2 8PW; tel: 01423 541000; fax: 01423 541414; email



DRWF Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (non-clinical)

The Diabetes Research & Wellness Foundation Research Fellowship 2000 is offered for research performed within the UK, related to causes, complications or possible cures for diabetes. Support is up to Pounds 40,000 pa in total, in a recognised institution or research group within the UK, for a period of up to three years. Contact: Diabetes Research & Wellness Foundation, Office 108, Northney Marina, Hayling Island, Hampshire PO110NH; tel: 0239 263 7808/ 7822; fax: 0239 263 7308/7608; email: Pre-application deadline: July 28,

12 noon.


Fellowships in the

Creative and

Performing Arts.

The AHRB has established a partnership

with the Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation to provide joint funding for two fellowships. The scheme allows

higher education institutions to appoint researchers in practice-based arts

for a period of up to three years. The scheme aims to support the

development of individual researchers and promote research-based art in

universities and colleges. The Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation aims to strengthen UK interest in the promotion of links with Japan, particularly in a cultural and academic setting. The foundation will co-fund up to two of the AHRB fellowship awards, which will support practice-based research within or into the Japanese creative and performing arts, provided that candidates of

sufficient quality present themselves. Deadline: August 31. Further details can be found on the website, or contact

Alison Henry for further details by email at or tel: 0117 931 7417.


GPoll Exchange Grants 2000 - call for


The ESF scientific programme 'Groundwater Pollution (GPoll)' is offering a number of exchange grants to scientists wishing to initiate or to further develop a collaborative project related to GPoll activities. The main aim of the GPoll programme is to initiate and promote European, multi-disciplinary cooperation in research on pollution of groundwater. It focuses on pollution in groundwater systems because of their significance for human and environmental health. Emphasis is placed on four major activities:

analysis and detection

physical transport; chemical transformation and immobilisation; biotransformation. Grants are intended to initiate or strengthen links between different research groups. Duration: (i) up to one month for learning new techniques or methodologies; (ii) 2-6 months for collaborative research projects. GPoll exchange grants are primarily intended for young scientists. Candidates must be currently working in a European laboratory and applying for a stay in a different European country. Contact: Joanne Dalton; tel: +33 3 88 76 71 22; fax +33 3 88 37 05 32; email: jdalton@ Deadline:

October 1.

Compiled by Sarah Knowles. A more comprehensive version of this service is available to subscribers on our research microsite at Each week this section lists funds available for academic researchers. Items for inclusion should be


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