Sources for research funding

October 22, 1999

Each week this section lists funds available for academic researchers. Items for inclusion should be submitted to





JILA Visiting Fellowships 2000-2001

Through its Visiting Fellows program, university and senior industrial researchers are invited to spend 4 to 12 months at JILA collaborating with senior scientific staff and graduate students in the pursuit of research and applications in the fields of laser technology; optoelectronies; precision measurement; surface science and semiconductors; information and image processing; and

materials and process science; as well as basic research in atomic, molecular and optical physics;

precision measurement; gravitational physics; chemical physics; astrophysics; and geophysical measurements. For more information contact the Visiting Scientists Program: JILA, Campus Box 440, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309- 0440, USA; or email: Deadline: November 1.



Investigator Initiated Research Grants

Investigators from all stages of research career development are encouraged to apply. Up to fifty-six awards will be made. Each total award is limited to $240,000 for up to three years. New Investigators Research Grants

These grants fund investigators that are no more than ten years past their doctoral degree. Deadline: letters of intent must be received by November 12. Applications must be received by December 3. Refer to the website, or contact: Nico Stanculescu; Tel: (312) 335-5747; Fax: (312) 335-4034; email:




To help established researchers complete and prepare for publication the results of research already begun. Approximately 30 Fellowships offered annually. Applicants must hold or have recently held a teaching and/or research post in a university or comparable institution in the UK; have retired in the last three years or have retired by the time of taking up the Fellowship; be aged 59 or above at the time of retirement. Eligible fields: all fields. Eligible duration: between 3 and 24 months. Awards to be commenced between June 1, 2000 and May 1, 2001. Deadline: 4.00 pm on November 25. Application materials for the 2000 Emeritus Fellowships are not available after November 18. Application materials available on-line. Tel: 020 7822 6964; Email:


Carnegie Research Grants

The Trust can help members of staff or, on a discretionary basis, retired members of staff of a Scottish university by the provision of small research grants (maximum Pounds 2,000) for personal research, personally conducted. Graduates of a Scottish university may also apply for Carnegie Research Grants for personal research, personally conducted, except where the research relates directly to the work for which they are employed. Those not resident in Scotland can be considered only if their work is of benefit to the Scottish universities.

Deadline: November 1. All applications must be made on a form to be obtained from the Secretary to the Carnegie Trust, Cameron House, Abbey Park Place, Dunfermline, Fife, KY12 7PZ.

University of Amsterdam


Zoological Museum Amsterdam & Expert Center for Taxonomic


The University of Amsterdam offers financial support for access to the Zoological Museum Amsterdam (ZMA) and the Expert-center for Taxonomic Identification (ETI). The programme and facilities of ZMA and ETI are based on their extensive zoological collections and information technology. Access to these facilities is supported by the European Commission as a Large-Scale-Facility grant under the Training and Mobility of Researchers programme. Applications for access are encouraged from scientists from EU countries or associated countries. Proposals that can be completed within a short visit (typically one to two weeks and not exceeding two months) will be considered. Annual deadlines: December 1 and June 1. For an application form contact: Dr H. Nijssen, PO Box 94766, NL-1090 GT Amsterdam; Fax: +31.20.525.5402;

Email: nijssen@



Earth Observation -

New Observing


The aim of the New Observing Techniques programme will be to reduce scientific uncertainties by supporting the development of prototype instruments, including those aimed at eventual aircraft and ground-based observations. Such instrumentation will provide new environmental science in its own right and offer a basis for entry into ESA (or other) space programmes. Proposals are invited for bids for funding which will position the NERC science community to take advantage of international opportunities through: development of initial stages of novel, cost-effective observing techniques driven by the needs of environmental science; engaging industry and the scientific community at an early stage in definition of and priority for new instrument proposals to the ESA programme. Deadline: 5.00pm, December 1. Applicants should apply using the standard NERC research grants form (RG1,1999/ 2000), which can be downloaded from the NERC website. Enquiries should be addressed to




Guildford Bench

Methodology Fund

The fund can give modest support for benchwork (not necessarily biochemical), for example, a feasibility study by a university lecturer before putting a project to a major award-granting body. Consideration will be given only to applications, carefully compiled, from investigators in laboratories with slim financial resources. The fund will at present suffice for about eight awards per year, suitably focused on the setting up or consolidation of useful methods. Deadlines: November 1 (inappropriate for seeking a vacation help award) and April 15. Further information on the website, or contact: The Biochemical Society, 59 Portland Place, London W1N 3AJ; Tel: 0171 580 5530; Fax: 0171 637 3626; Email:


Electronic Materials for Displays (EMD)

- Call for Proposals

Proposals are invited for the sixth and final tranche of funding for the Electronic Materials for Displays (EMD) Managed Programme. Through this call EPSRC will commit up to Pounds 1M to promote innovative materials research for the development of advanced display technologies. The advances in both commercially available displays and reported research results in display technology have shown important advances in the past year. Nonetheless, the main challenges and opportunities and therefore the research objectives of EMD, are unchanged from last year. The need for links with industry in this fast moving field is again emphasised. The primary objective of the programme is to support materials research - synthesis, deposition, processing, modelling and analysis - that is aimed at significant improvement over established performance in one of the key attributes listed. Other improvements will be considered if the science and the industrial case are sufficiently persuasive. Refer to the website for further details, or contact the programme co ordinator Professor Roger Heckingbottom; Tel: 01768 773732; Fax: 01768 774902; Email: Deadline: January 14, 2000.


Research Fund

The RSC Research Fund exists to assist members in their research by the provision of grants of up to Pounds 1000, for example for the purchase of chemicals, equipment or for running expenses of chemical education research.

Applications from members of The Royal Society of Chemistry will be considered on merit, but account will be taken of any other source of financial aid available to applicants. Preference will be given to those working in less well-endowed institutions and to those supporting their own research. Council is especially keen to see inventive applications of a "pump priming" nature and is prepared to consider applications from those working in chemical education as well as chemistry research. Deadline: October 31. Application forms, together with the regulations governing the Fund, may be obtained from: Stanley Langer, Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1V 0BN; Tel: 0207 440 3325; Email:



AICR is a charity which provides project grant funding for research into the origins of cancer. The projects supported are mainly in basic scientific research, although applications for clinical research projects will be considered as appropriate. Support is normally in the form of three-year project grants or one- year pilot studies. There are no restrictions on the areas of cancer research which the Association funds. Projects are mainly for three years and include funding for research staff, consumables, small items of equipment and travel to conferences. Projects often need preliminary results prior to seeking major funding, and such "pump priming" is also an important part of the AICR's research expenditure. Contact: The AICR, Madras House, St. Andrews, Fife, KY16 9EH; Tel: 01334 477910; Fax: 01334 478667; Email: Deadline: October 29.




Two-year fellowships (September 2000 - June 2002) for scholars whose doctoral degrees have been conferred within the last six years and whose projects are related to "Reproductions and Originals." Since these are two-year grants, special consideration will be given to those candidates whose work also relates to the theme planned for the 2001-2002 academic year, "Perception, Experience, Judgment." Applications are welcome from scholars of all nationalities who are working in the arts, humanities, or social sciences. Fellows receive a total stipend of $44,000 for the 22-month residency at the Getty Research Institute. Deadline: November 1. Applications available on-line or by emailing:; by calling the Residential Grants line at (310) 440 7392; or by writing to: Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships, The Scholars and Seminars Program, The Getty Research Institute for the History of Art and the Humanities, 1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 1100, Los Angeles, CA 90049-1688, USA.





Collaborative Research Projects

CRPs are intended to provide funding for travel and subsistence to support basic, pre-competitive and publishable collaborative research between UK and Japanese research groups. This year applications related to the environment are particularly welcome. Duration: three years. The project should be undertaken by two or more researchers on each side with a proven research record, holding a PhD or having equivalent experience and following a research career in an academic or governmental research institution. Deadline: November 1. Application forms are available on-line. To obtain one by post, send an A4 size self-addressed envelope to: Science Exchanges Officer (CRP), The British Council, 2, Kagurazaka l-chome, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162- 0825, Japan; Tel:

(03) 3235 8078.


Joint Projects - UK, Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union

Applications are invited for grants for selected joint projects involving a UK group and one other group from one CEE or fSU country. Applications will be considered for research in the natural and applied sciences including mathematics, engineering, medicine and the scientific research aspects of psychology, archaeology, geography and the history of science. Up to Pounds 4,000 per annum for two years will be provided for selected projects to enable collaborative visits to take place. The Project Leader in each team should be the most senior member of the group and of at least PhD status. Email:, if there are problems downloading applicationforms from the web, where full details can also be found. Deadline: November 15.

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