Call for expressions of interest in membership of European Food Safety Authority scientific committee and panels (OJ link)

November 23, 2005

Brussels, 22 November 2005

Call for expressions of interest in membership of the Scientific Committee and scientific panels of the European Food Safety Authority (OJ C289A/1 22.11.2005).
Full text

This call is addressed to scientists wishing to be considered for membership of the Scientific Committee or a Scientific Panel of the European Food Safety Authority, established by Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 January 2002 laying down the general principles and requirements of food law, establishing the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and laying down procedures in matters of food safety. The Authority has its permanent seat in Parma, Italy.

According to Article 28 (5) of the Regulation, the Authority's Scientific Committee and Scientific Panels are renewable every three years. Since the Scientific Committee and Scientific Panels have been operational since May 2003, renewal is due in May 2006. This call is aimed to identify Europe's best scientists for EFSA's Panels and Scientific Committee with specific expertise in the areas mentioned below.

The list of current experts can be found on The call is open for experts from all European Union (EU) Member States, European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries, EU accession and candidate countries and other European States. Current members of EFSA's Scientific Committee and Scientific Panels may also apply for re-appointment. Experts from non-European countries may also apply but will be considered only when the required level of expertise cannot be found among European experts.

The European Food Safety Authority

One of the main roles of the Authority is to provide scientific opinions and advice in support of Community legislation and policies in all fields likely to have a direct or indirect impact on the safety of foodstuffs and animal feed, as well as closely related issues in the fields of health and welfare of animals and of plant health. It will provide independent information on these issues and give warning of emerging risks. Its tasks also include providing scientific opinions and advice on nutrition, with particular reference to Community legislation, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and new food technologies. By ensuring a high degree of independence, transparency and scientific quality, the Authority should be the accepted point of reference in the field. In addition to having its own specialised staff, the Authority will also manage networks of competent organisations within the EU to support its activities.


Application procedure

The Authority strongly encourages the use of its online web-based facility to submit application forms, however applications by post are acceptable.

Online application forms are available from the Authority's website and should be submitted through that site. Forms for paper application are equally available from the Authority's website or by post from the following address:
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
Anja Van Impe
Call for expression of interest - Committee and Panel experts 2006
Largo Natale Palli 5/A
I-43100 Parma

If not registered online, the application forms should be submitted by registered post to the same address. Supporting documents may be requested at a later stage.

While applicants may apply in any of the official languages of the European Community, it is highly desirable to submit an application in English in order to facilitate the selection procedure.

All applications will be treated as confidential.

Closing date

Applications should be sent electronically online to , or by registered letter to the above address not later than 7 January 2006 (date of postmark).

The Authority reserves the right to disregard any expressions of interest received after that date.

Official Journal of the EU, No. C289A/1 22.11.2005 Previous Item Back to Titles Print Item

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