Agenda of the JAF (Legal, Administrative and Financial) Group of COST -- European Co-operation in Science and Technology -- 15/16 February 2006

January 27, 2006

Brussels, 26 Jan 2006

Full text of Document 303/06

Date: 15/16 February 2006 (09h30)
Venue: Presidenza Regione Toscana
Via Cavour 18
IT-50129 Firenze

  • Adoption of the agenda

  • Approval of Summary of Conclusions of the previous meeting (COST 312/05)

  • Proposal for Call for proposals and selection of Actions

  • Implementation of the new COST Domain structure
  • Draft Terms of Reference of Domain Committees (COST 2/1/05 REV 1)
  • Draft Rules of Procedure of Domain Committees (COST 3/1/05 REV 1)
  • Draft Domain Descriptors (COST 202/06)
  • Revised Guidelines on assessment, monitoring and evaluation of Actions
  • Financial issues
    • Budget allocation between Domains
    • General statement on instruments (training schools, STSMs etc.)
    • Summary of expenses for 2003-2007 and financial planning for FP7
  • Action related items:
  • Proposals of new Actions
  • Requests for participation from Institutes of non-COST countries
  • Requests for extension or prolongation of COST Actions
  • Effective starting date of COST Actions
  • Reform of the COST governance

  • Synergy with other European initiatives (ESF, EUREKA, Technology Platforms)

  • Proposal for a survey on customer satisfaction

  • COST Strategy towards its contribution to the Lisbon and Barcelona objectives (assessment of the potential of COST in FP7, involvement of young researchers and new groups; "market strategy" for COST)

  • COST Publications: Annual report 2005, About COST 2006, Success Stories

  • Accessibility of COST documents

  • COST Fund: Statement of revenue and expenditure 2005

  • Agenda for the 164th CSO (Commiteee of Senior Officials) meeting

  • Future meetings (COST 232/4/05 REV 4)

  • Any other business

    NB. The JAF Group will meet in composition as set out in its working methods (doc. COST 283/04) .
    At the invitation of the CSO President the United Kingdom, Austria and Finland (former, current and next EU Presidency) are invited to be represented at the meeting.

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