PebblePadPebblePad Chosen by UCOL Te Pūkenga to Deliver Flexible and Adaptable Learning for Vocational Students

PebblePad Chosen by UCOL Te Pūkenga to Deliver Flexible and Adaptable Learning for Vocational Students

New Zealand, April 2023: Vocational skills and training institute UCOL Te Pūkenga has chosen PebblePad’s Learning Journey Platform to power vocational learning and assessment. PebblePad's ability to support off-campus assessment through evidence-based collection, along with its user-friendly interface, makes it an ideal choice for ākonga (learners), particularly those in work-based training.

UCOL Te Pūkenga is using PebblePad to scaffold students through their learning content and gather evidence of their progress, with its unique ATLAS assessment tools providing continuous monitoring and feedback from lecturers and external verifiers.

To further support kaimahi (staff) and students, UCOL Te Pūkenga plans to develop a team of "PebblePad Champions" across its campuses who will serve as ambassadors for the platform and provide additional support and resources for its use. This includes an induction tool, capability evidence collection for academic promotions, on-the-job training with evidence capture and reflection, and a collaborative observation and evaluation space for Te Atakura, UCOL's model for supporting teachers to achieve parity between Māori and non-Māori student completions.

“PebblePad has provided a game-changing platform for UCOL Te Pūkenga, enabling our staff and learners to collect, reflect, and assess learning in a single location," said Suzanne Thomas, Digital Systems Specialist at UCOL Te Pūkenga. "With its flexible and user-friendly interface, PebblePad is a powerful tool to support our learners, especially those in work-based training, and ensure greater consistency in vocational learning across the country. PebblePad has provided additional opportunities, including collecting evidence via the PebblePocket app (even when offline/out of coverage) and external verification of learner evidence, which will enable us to deliver high-quality vocational education and training that reflects the needs of all communities throughout New Zealand."

Alison Poot, Senior Director, APAC for PebblePad added: "We are excited to partner with UCOL Te Pūkenga to provide a powerful learning platform that supports learners in vocational education and training across New Zealand. PebblePad's innovative platform is designed to enable learners to gather and evidence the professional competencies and standards they need to succeed in their chosen career paths, wherever they are - on campus, online, or on work placements. By leveraging the power of PebblePad, learners can receive timely feedback, engage in continuous learning, and build strong relationships with their peers, teachers, and external facilitators. We believe that PebblePad has the potential to transform vocational education and training in New Zealand and are proud to be a part of this exciting journey with UCOL Te Pūkenga.”

About PebblePad

Founded in 2004, PebblePad is an award-winning online Learning Journey Platform designed to help educators deliver student-centred learning. Extending the powerful features of an eportfolio with sophisticated tools for supporting diverse teaching and learning processes, PebblePad helps bridge the experiential learning & assessment gaps that Learning Management Systems can’t reach. A unique set of feedback and assessment capabilities rounds out the feature set. PebblePad is successfully transforming learning at universities around the world, including more than 30 of the top ranked global universities. 

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