Unjust attack

May 31, 2002

We were astonished to read that "Staff at Goldsmiths want Pimlott's head" ( THES , May 24) in a report about a motion of no confidence in the warden, Ben Pimlott, to go before the local Association of University Teachers.

AUT members were divided over Pimlott's stewardship. The decision to put the motion was endorsed by only 31 people. College academic and academic-related staff number about 1,300.

Goldsmiths has developed in creativity, identity and purpose these past four years. The college's research assessment success - funding is increasing by 14 per cent - puts it in the first rank of research-led universities. This owes much to Pimlott's leadership. Morale is high. Change does not come without a price. The restructuring referred to relates to overdue reforms designed to strengthen academic presence and financial muscle. Many appreciate this, support the warden and deplore this personalised and unjust attack.

Janis Jefferies
Department of visual arts

Robert Zimmer
Department of mathematical and computing sciences
Goldsmiths College
University of London

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