
An imaginative play is a reminder that Newton was as interested in religion as he was in science, says Rob Iliffe

31 March

Duncan Wu enjoys some sensitive performances in a Midwest drama about a prison warden's moral crisis

31 March

Is the prolific writer and broadcaster Niall Ferguson a 'proper' historian? The Scot tells Matthew Reisz that reaching a mass audience is a serious business - but not as serious as the decline in educational standards that is undermining Western hegemony

24 March

An unbelievable, unerotic thriller may still appeal to viewers' sense of silliness, concludes Duncan Wu

24 March

Clive Bloom ponders the enduring popularity and cultural significance of L. Frank Baum's wonderful world of Oz

17 March

David Walsh, the multimillionaire gambler turned cultural patron, has dug deep for art - literally. Peter Hill descends into the heart of the Museum of Old and New Art in Tasmania

24 February

Duncan Wu finds a CIA thriller based on real events in Bush's White House more compelling than fiction

17 February

A climate-change play at the National fails to either inform or entertain Graham Farmelo despite the cast’s commitment

17 February

The film of Barney's Version is bringing the satiric worldview of Canada's literary lion to a new audience, writes Norman Ravvin

10 February

Duncan Wu appreciates the Coens' distinctive take on the traditional pleasures of a classic western

10 February

Uta Kornmeier muses on the unexpected unearthing in Berlin of some remarkable survivors of Nazi cultural vandalism

3 February

Philip Dodd finds Javier Bardem the pivotal centre of a film about our inescapable mortality

27 January

Was Hattie Jacques' passion for her driver simply a response to her own self-loathing, asks Gary Day

27 January

A tumultuous exhibition places debates about sculpture's position and possibilities in sharp relief, finds Alex Danchev

27 January

Malcolm Gillies analyses the rapid rise of James Rhodes, and asks how much is hype and how much is talent

20 January

Duncan Wu stares longingly towards the emergency exit during Clint Eastwood's supernatural stinker

13 January

Religious diversity in the US is more a force for tolerance than for discord, argues scholar Robert Putnam. Jon Marcus reports

13 January