Research Publications

10 Jun 2019
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As part of Stellenbosch University’s Centenary commemoration in 2018, we produced a special edition of our award-winning research publication, Research at Stellenbosch University. Themed “100”, the content of the publication consisted of 100 pages and 100 research articles. These 100 articles were written about 100 research projects, which were chosen based on the significance of the research and its relevance to society and the challenges facing human beings at this juncture in time. Both historic and current research were incorporated, thereby mapping the path of the contribution of our scientists to their respective fields. 

Click here to read Research at Stellenbosch University:

Also, a video celebrating 100 years of research at Stellenbosch University was produced. It focuses on successes of the past and reflects on current research activities. It shows that Stellenbosch University has a solid foundation to build on. From this point, we can only go forward together.