Environmental Sustainability & Green Energy

16 Apr 2019
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With escalating concerns about global energy shortages and the impact of human activity on ecosystems, a great deal of attention has turned to advancing green technologies and discovering alternative sources of energy. While Western's researchers take an interdisciplinary approach to answering a full range of environmental questions, the University has emerged as a leader in research related to energy deficits, sustainability and pollution.

Key Research Initiatives

The Centre for Environment & Sustainability

The Centre for Environment and Sustainability was formed in recognition of Western’s dedication to, and support for, environmental studies and recognizes the rapid growth in areas of environmental and sustainable research across a broad spectrum of disciplines. Today, the centre is home to more than 100 researchers from seven faculties.

Biotron Experimental Climate Change Research Centre

The Biotron is a world-unique, purpose-built facility housing specialized environmental chambers, laboratories and equipment dedicated to research in the fields of environmental sciences, biotechnologies, materials and biomaterials, and engineering. The Biotron is a keystone facility supporting research on biotic and abiotic processes in the environment, and specializes in the simulation of natural environments at a range of scales.

Insitute for Chemicals & Fuels from Alternative Resources

ICFAR is committed to being a leader in the development of technologies and processes that produce chemicals and fuels from alternative resources – with an emphasis on green engineering and environmental sustainability. The Institute’s researchers strive to quickly move research from the laboratory to large demonstration projects at ICFAR and on to industry – paving the way for Canadian biofuel and chemical leadership in the global marketplace.

WindEEE Research Institute

Designed to protect us from storms, harness the power of wind and develop sustainable cities, the Wind Engineering, Energy and the Environment (WindEEE) Institute at Western is home to the world’s first three-dimensional wind-testing chamber. As the world's most advanced experimental facility for studying wind, WindEEE's facilities allow scientists to address important scientific, economic and societal challenges related to wind, while evaluating energy potential and damage risks.

Network for Business Sustainability

Founded and led by Ivey Business School professor Pratima Bansal, NBS is a growing network of more than 6000 researchers and managers committed to advancing sustainable business. The Network believes businesses need access to rigorous, relevant research to support their decisions actions – and researchers need to understand real-world business challenges to ask relevant questions.