Research Institutes

8 Jun 2017
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The Appleton Institute is a multidisciplinary research hub in Adelaide, forming part of the School of Human, Health and Social Sciences and a new Campus for CQUniversity in South Australia.

Established as part of CQUniversity in January 2012, and based in Adelaide, South Australia, the Appleton Institute combines excellence in research, teaching and community engagement across a range of scientific areas including safety science, sleep and biological rhythms, applied psychology, occupational health and safety, human factors, risk management, cultural anthropology and immigration.

The Institute is overseen by renowned fatigue and human factors expert Professor Drew Dawson and consists of a 30-person research team, including 10 PhD students.


CQUniversity is located in Australia’s richest agricultural region. Our campuses span a vast area that generates significant agricultural output; the Central Queensland region is the centre of Australia’s northern beef industry, hosts the majority of Australia’s tropical and subtropical vegetable and fruit production, and supports large cropping industries including sugarcane, cereals, cotton and grain legumes. CQUniversity is committed to supporting a strong agricultural research capacity to foster the ongoing success of these industries. The Institute for Future Farming Systems was formally established in 2015 to deliver this commitment.

The expertise base of CQUniversity research staff in agricultural science is strong, and our research program has been well supported by external funding from national competitive grant schemes as well as Government and direct industry funding. Our research has strong links to the industries in our region, and also includes research activity in water and irrigation systems, natural resource management, value chain management and resource economics.

The Institute for Future Farming Systems welcome opportunities to collaborate with researchers and research institutions who share our interests in agricultural research. We focus on tropical and subtropical agricultural systems, and operate in a region where collaborators can work with industry partners in best practice agricultural production systems. CQUniversity has excellent laboratory and field facilities and provides a welcoming and supportive environment for postgraduate students and visiting researchers.