Policies and Governance in Europe

LUISS Guido Carli

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Students will develop professional profiles for employment in the many fields related to public policy. PAGE offers a combination of analytical skills, knowledge of key policy domains and specific competencies. The two tracks provide specialisations to prepare for the employment in private and public organisations at the EU, national and regional or local levels, such as EU and international institutions, regulatory agencies, firms, voluntary arts and heritage bodies, local and regional development offices, consultancies, lobbying firms, and NGOs. Luiss has internship agreements with many organizations relevant for the master’s degree and Luiss alumni hold senior positions in many sectors. 


The Master’s degree in Policies and Governance in Europe (PAGE) responds to a changing world in which policy decisions are taken at different, linked levels- EU, international, national, regional and local. It prepares students to use public policy analysis in practice by drawing on different disciplines, including political science, law, economics, sociology, demography and management. It is directly linked to current events in the real world and it provides students with the key skills for their future. After a broad first year, students take a specialised track in expanding policy fields in which Luiss has great expertise – Economic Governance and Market Regulation or Cultural Heritage policies.



Study Mode


24 months


Start Date(s)


September 12 2022


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