Glittering prizes

五月 28, 1999

The Royal Society has appointed to fellowship: Frances Ashcroft, professor of physiology, University of Oxford; Anthony Barrett, Glaxo professor of chemistry, Imperial College, London; Rosa Beddington, head of mammalian development, MRC National Institute for Medical Research, London; Derek Briggs, professor of palaeontology, University of Bristol; Simon Campbell, senior vice-president of Pfizer Central Research, Sandwich; Ian Carmichael, professor of geology, University of California Berkeley, United States;

Lorna Casselton, professor of fungal genetics, University of Oxford; John Clegg, professor of molecular medicine, University of Oxford; David Cockayne, professor of physics, University of Sydney; David Delpy, head of medical physics and bioengineering, University College London; Derek Denton, professor of experimental physiology and medicine, University of Melbourne; Raymond Dixon, research group leader, John Innes Centre, Norwich; Athene Donald, professor of physics, University of Cambridge; Philip England, lecturer in geophysics, University of Oxford; Douglas Fearon, Wellcome Trust professor of medicine, University of Cambridge; Gary Gibbons, professor of theoretical physics, University of Cambridge; Timothy Gowers, Rouse Ball professor of mathematics, University of Cambridge; Ronald Grigg, professor of organic chemistry, University of Leeds; Alan Hall, professor of molecular biology, University College London; Peter Knight, professor of quantum optics, Imperial College, London; John Maier, professor of physical chemistry, University of Basel;

Barry Marshall, professor of medicine, University of Western Australia; Iain Mattaj, programme co-ordinator at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany; Ernest McCulloch, professor emeritus, Ontario Cancer Institute, Toronto, Canada; John McWhirther, head of signal processing group at the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency, Malvern; John Mollon, professor of visual neuroscience, University of Cambridge; John Ockendon, lecturer in applicable mathematics, University of Oxford; John Pethica, professor of materials science, University of Oxford; Dolph Schluter, professor of zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada; John Sheperd, director of Earth system modelling, Southampton Oceanographic Centre; Joseph Silk, Savilian professor of astronomy, University of Oxford; James Stirling, professor of mathematical sciences and physics, University of Durham; Alfred Sykes, professor of inorganic chemistry, University of Newcastle; Janet Thornton, professor of biomolecular structure, University College London; John Toland, professor of mathematical sciences, University of Bath; Anthony Trewavas, professor of plant biochemistry, University of Edinburgh; Alan Walker, professor of anthropology and biology, Pennsylvania State University, United States; Graham Warren, principal scientist, Imperial Cancer Research Fund, London; Denis Weaire, Erasmus Smith's professor of natural and experimental philosophy, Trinity College, Dublin; Peter Williams, chairman of Oxford Instruments plc; Robert Williamson, professor of medical genetics, University of Melbourne; Magdi Yacoub, professor of cardiothoracic surgery, National Heart and Lung Institute, Harefield Hospital, Middlesex.

The Royal Society has appointed to foreign membership: Robert Huber, director of the department of structure research, Max Planck Institut fuer Biochemie, Munich, Germany; Marc Kirschner, Carl W. Walker professor of cell biology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, United States; George Stebbins, emeritus professor of genetics, University of California, United States; Gilbert Stork, Eugene Higgins professor emeritus of chemistry, Columbia University, New York, United States; Edward Witten, professor of physics, Institute of Advanced Study, Princeton University, United States; and Richard Zare, professor of chemistry, Stanford University, California, United States.



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