Academic life

We talk with the new president of the European University Institute about the politicisation of British universities, being a European citizen (whether you like it or not) and having no regrets

8 December

We talk with this year’s winner of the THE Lord Dearing Lifetime Achievement Award about the decline of student politics, what Michael Gove is getting wrong and bacon sandwiches

1 December

We talk with the UN medal winner about the commercialisation of research, the merits of transnational scholarship and why scientists are like used-car dealers

17 November

We talk women’s equality and emancipation, the necessity of HE investment in developing countries and eureka moments in the Himalayas with the new head of the Asian University for Women

10 November

We talk about growing up in the North East of England, alcohol consumption advice and international cricket aspirations with Newcastle University's new head

20 October

We speak to the head of Nanyang Technological University about the rise of Asia, what it’s like being a European leading a Singaporean institution, and barbecue chicken

22 September