Grant winners

七月 17, 2008

The Wellcome Trust

The Wellcome Trust has announced four new partnership programmes between academia and industry as part of an initiative to foster a new generation of clinicians trained in translation and therapeutic medicine, enabling clinicians from a range of specialties to pursue MSc, PhD and postdoctoral research opportunities. Each award is for £2.75 million, and the industrial partners will match the Wellcome Trust's £11 million funding.

Training programme in clinical pharmacology and translational medicine

Award winner: David Jones

Institution: University of Newcastle

Industrial partners: Roche, AstraZeneca, Sanofi-Aventis, Sirtris Pharmaceuticals, PTC Therapeutics and GlaxoSmithKline

Mitochondrial medicine, liver disease and diabetes, neuromuscular disease, inflammatory disease, rheumatology and dermatology, and chronic respiratory disease

Translational medicines and therapeutics at the University of Cambridge

Award winner: Morris Brown

Institution: University of Cambridge

Industrial partner: GlaxoSmithKline

Metabolic science, neuroscience, oncology, therapeutic immunology, clinical pharmacology and therapeutics, cardiovascular and pharmacological sciences

Scottish translational medicine and therapeutics initiative

Award winner: David Webb, University of Edinburgh

Institutions: Universities of Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Dundee and Glasgow

Industrial partner: Wyeth Research

Cardiovascular disease, metabolic disease, inflammatory disease, musculoskeletal disease, neuroscience and reproductive health

Experimental medicine for new therapeutics development

Award winner: Martin Wilkins

Institution: Imperial College London

Industrial partner: GlaxoSmithKline

Neuroscience, metabolic medicine, respiratory medicine, inflammation, cardiovascular sciences and renal medicine

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

Award winner: S.B. Cooper

Institution: University of Leeds

Value: £265,239

The computational structure of partial information: definability in the local structure of the enumeration degrees

Award winner: B. Coecke

Institution: University of Oxford

Value: £174,421

Complexity and decidability in unconventional computational models

Award winner: A.J. Mulholland

Institution: University of Bristol

Value: £284,557

Combined experimental and computational investigations of a nucleophilic displacement reaction with a hydride-leaving group

Award winner: S.A.R. Stevens

Institution: University of East Anglia

Value: £267,993

Explicit and l-modular theta correspondence

London Mathematical Society

The London Mathematical Society announced its 2008 prizewinners this week. It will present the seven awards at its annual general meeting in November.

Polya Prize

Winner: David Preiss

Institution: University of Warwick

In recognition of contributions made to analysis and geometric measure theory, in particular his 1987 paper "Geometry of Measures", in which he solved the remaining problem in the geometric theoretic structure of sets and measures in Euclidean space

Frohlich Prize

Winner: Nick Higham

Institution: University of Manchester

In recognition of his leading contributions to numerical linear algebra and numerical stability analysis

Senior Berwick Prize

Winner: Kevin Buzzard

Institution: Imperial College London

For the paper "Eigenvarieties", published in L-functions and Galois Representations (2007), volume 320 of the LMS Lecture Note Series

Whitehead Prizes

Winner: Timothy Browning

Institution: University of Bristol

For significant contributions on the interface of analytic number theory and arithmetic geometry, concerning the number and distribution of rational and integral solutions to Diophantine equations

Winner: Tamas Hausel

Institution: University of Oxford

For his investigations into hyperkahler geometry, which have led to the proof of deep results in the representation theory of quivers, mirror symmetry and Yang-Mills instantons

Winner: Martin Hairer

Institution: University of Warwick

For his contributions to the theory of stochastic differential equations

Winner: Nina Snaith

Institution: University of Bristol

For her work at the interface of random matrix theory and number theory.



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