On the move

九月 15, 2000

Stephen Tomlinson, professor of medicine at University of Manchester Medical School, has been appointed vice-chancellor of the University of Wales College of Medicine in Cardiff.

Alan Langlands, chief executive of the NHS executive in England, has taken up his post as principal and vice-chancellor at the University of Dundee.

Margaret Evans, dean of science, director of information strategy and services and professor of information studies at Loughborough University, has been appointed pro vice-chancellor, strategic planning and resources, at De Montfort University.

Peter Grinyer, emeritus professor with the department of management at the University of St Andrews, has been appointed as a new member of the Appeal Panel of the Competition Commission, formerly the Monopolies and Mergers Commission.

Peter Gregson, deputy head of the School of Engineering Sciences, has been appointed deputy vice-chancellor of the University of Southampton for three years.

The Department for Education and Employment has announced that Sandy Leitch, chief executive of Zurich Financial Services, has been appointed to head the New Deal Task Force, succeeding Sir Peter Davis.

Martin Hingley has been appointed the first Tesco teaching fellow at Harper Adams University College. A former lecturer at the college and a technical officer at the Institute of Grocery Distribution, he will establish a new teaching programme to increase farmers' awareness of the needs of their retail customers.



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