
六月 7, 1996

UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL. J. Cowpe, senior lecturer and honorary consultant in oral and maxillofacial surgery at the University of Wales, College of Medicine, to the chair in oral surgery; T. Hirst, reader in molecular microbiology at the University of Kent in Canterbury, to the chair in microbiology; R. Hawkins, honorary consultant in medical oncology at the MRC Centre and Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge, chair of oncology.

Honorary chair: David Mant, former professor at Southampton, now head of NHS Research and Development for the Region (South and West).

Visiting industrial professors: Robert Katz, currently attached to the Institute of Government and Public Affairs at the University of Illinois; A. King, professor of art history and sociology at Bingham University, New York; T. Taper, research director at MORI; P. Williams, deputy secretary and head of research and external affairs, Building Societies Association/Council of Mortgage Lenders.


Julia Brooking, professor of nursing at the University of Birmingham, professor and director of research and development at the school of nursing and midwifery.


Peter Saddler, professor of chemistry at Birkbeck College, University of London, has been appointed to the Crum Brown chair of chemistry.

Personal chairs have been awarded to the following: Michael Adler, reader, chair in socio-legal studies; Michael Angold, reader, chair in Byzantine history; Iain Boyd White, director of the centre for architectural history and theory, chair in architectural history; Peter Brand, chair in astrophysics; Alexander Davie, reader, chair in mathematical analysis; David Finnegan, head of the institute of cell and molecular biology, chair in molecular genetics; Martin Fransman, reader and director of the institute for Japanese-European technology studies, chair in economics; Bill Gilmore, reader, chair in international criminal law; John Henley, reader, chair in international management; Martin Hooper, reader, chair in molecular pathology; Patricia Jeffery, chair in sociology; Ged Martin, director of the centre for Canadian studies, chair in Canadian studies; David McCrone, reader, chair in sociology; Kenneth Peach, reader, chair in particle physics experiment; Alastair Robertson, reader, personal chair in geology; Jonathan Seckl, fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, personal chair in endocrinology; Michael Summerfield, reader, personal chair in geomorphology.


Ole Lando, former professor of international and comparative commercial law (1963-92), external professor, president of the Danish Association of European Law and president of the Commission on European Contract Law, has been appointed the first Heather Grierson visiting professor of European and comparative law. The post is associated with the Oxford Centre for the Advanced Study of European and Comparative Law.



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