On the move...

七月 27, 2007

The British Academy has elected the following fellows: Ash Amin (Durham University), geography; Mark Armstrong (UCL), economics; Derek Attridge (York University), English literature; Toby Barnard (Oxford University), early modern history; John Barton (Oxford), biblical studies; Paul Binski (Cambridge University), medieval art; Rachel Bowlby (UCL), English literature; Harvey Brown (Oxford), philosophy of physics; Andrew Burrows (Oxford), law; Bryony Coles (Exeter University), archaeology; Ross Cranston (LSE), law; Robert Foley (Cambridge), human evolutionary studies; Mary Fulbrook (UCL), modern German history; Christopher Fuller , (LSE), anthropology; John Gillingham (LSE), medieval history; John Haffenden (Sheffield University), English literature; Christopher Hill (Cambridge), international relations; Carole Hillenbrand (Edinburgh University), Islamic history; Boyd Hilton (Cambridge), modern British history; Michael Hunter (Birkbeck), intellectual history; Catriona Kelly (Oxford), Russian history; Joni Lovenduski (Birkbeck), politics; Richard McCabe (Oxford), English literature; David Martin (LSE), sociology; Henrietta Moore (LSE), social anthropology; Colin Morris (Southampton University), medieval history; Anthony Ogus (Manchester University), law; Carole Pateman (Cardiff University), political theory; Nicholas Purcell (Oxford), ancient history; Genevra Richardson (King's College London), law; Ian Roberts (Cambridge), linguistics; Kevin Roberts (Oxford), economics; Mike Savage (Manchester University), sociology; John Scott (Essex University), sociology; Richard Smith , (Cambridge), economic theory and statistics; Zara Steiner (Cambridge), modern history; Steven Tipper (University of Wales, Bangor), cognitive science; H. Peyton Young (Oxford), economics.



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