On the move...

一月 21, 2005

* The Academy of Learned Societies for the Social Sciences has elected the following academicians for 2004: Peter Aggleton, University of London; Alan Aldridge, Nottingham University; R. Allen, Oxford University; Clive Archer, Manchester Metropolitan University; John Bond, Newcastle University; Saxon Brettell, Cambridge Econometrics; Charlotte Burck, Tavistock Clinic; John Burnham, Birmingham Children's Hospital; Chris Caswill, Addvisa Associates; Andrew Coleman, Leicester University; Elisabeth Croll, University of London; Anthony Crook, Sheffield University; Gordon Dabinett, Sheffield;

Alan Deacon, Leeds University; John Dixon, Plymouth University; J. Dockrell London; Martin Everett, Westminster University; Kenneth Gilhooly, Hertfordshire University; Usha Goswami, Cambridge University; Terence Gourvish, London School of Economics; Rebecca Harding, London Business School; Sally Hardy, Regional Studies Association; Michael Hoey, Liverpool University; Katrina Honeyman, Leeds; Ursula Huws, London Metropolitan University; Raymond Illsley, Bath University; Charlie Jeffery, Edinburgh University;

Richard Jenkins, Sheffield; Grant Jordan, Aberdeen University; Geoff Lindsay, Warwick University; Jim Mansell, Kent University; Antony Manstead, Cardiff University; Linda McKie, Glasgow Caledonian University; Tariq Modood, Bristol University; Anton Muscatelli, Glasgow University; Joseph Nellis, Cranfield University;

Jenny Ozga, Edinburgh; Gareth Rees, Cardiff; David Rhind CBE, The City University; Richard Rodger, Leicester; Graham Room, Bath; David Rose, Essex University; Ajit Singh, Cambridge; Bebe Speed, Oxford Mental Health Trust; Eddy Street, St David's Hospital; Kathy Sylva, Oxford; Jonathan Tonge, Salford University; Christine Victor, Reading University; David Williams AC DL, Cambridge; Colin Wren, Newcastle University; Andrew Young, York University.



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