Procedure for Approval of New COST (European Co-operation in Science and Technology) Actions (link)

十月 4, 2004

Brussels, 01 Oct 2004

Full text of Document 301/04
Suite of documents 301/04

The JAF Group has revised the document "Shortening the lead-time for the implementation of new COST Actions" (COST 2/04) as requested by the CSO (Annex).

The TC Chairs have been advised that, considering the envisaged dates for the CSO meetings in the year 2005, the dates by which the proposals for new Actions should be sent to CSO members are: 15 January, 15 April, 15 September.

The TC Chairs have also been advised that for the remainder of the year 2004, considering that the CSO meeting is scheduled for 1 and 2 December and considering the envisaged dates of the next TC meetings, it is proposed that:

* a first batch of 6 recommended Actions will be sent to CSO members before 1 September and that for these Actions CSO National Coordinators will be asked to declare an intention to sign and to provide the nominations of the MC members during the CSO meeting in December and the COST Office will endeavour to convene the kick- off meetings of these Actions before Christmas if more than 5 intentions to sign and related nominations are received;

* a second batch of recommended Actions will be sent to CSO members by 15 October to be approved by the CSO during the meeting in December.


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