Have you been touched by the Monster's noodly appendage yet?

九月 2, 2005

A physics graduate has opened a new front in the battle between Darwinists and Creationists and is fast attracting academic disciples in the UK and US with his new theory of existence, writes Michael North.

Flying Spaghetti Monsterism was developed by Bobby Henderson from Oregon State University as part of a satirical attack on the theory of Intelligent Design -the belief that the hand of God is behind the laws of nature.

Intelligent Design is taught as an alternative to the theory of evolution in many US schools. This prompted Mr Henderson to write to the Kansas School Board in July demanding that equal time be given in classrooms to FSM, to Intelligent Design and to "logical conjecture based on overwhelming observable evidence".

He tells the board that he has evidence that a Flying Spaghetti Monster created the universe "to make us think the Earth is older than it is".

Carbon-dating techniques that prove the great age of earthly artefacts are in fact manipulated by the Monster "using his Noodly Appendage", according to Mr Henderson.

He tells the school board: "If the Intelligent Design theory is not based on faith, but instead on another scientific theory, as is claimed, then you must also allow our theory to be taught, as it is also based on science, not on faith."

The theory, circulated on Mr Henderson's website ( www.venganza.org ), has been welcomed by many British academics. One said: "Pasta should form a staple part of our educational diet."



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