Agenda of the COST JAF Group, 24 - 25 October 2006

十月 4, 2006

Brussels, 03 Oct 2006

Full text of Document 3259/06

Welcome address by ...

1. Adoption of the agenda

2. Approval of Summary of Conclusions of the previous meeting (COST 250/06)

3. Action related items:

(a) Results of the Open Call and Proposals of new Actions (b) Requests for participation of institutions from non-COST countries (c) Requests for extension or prolongation of COST Actions

4. Revision of the procedures for the Open Call and Assessment for proposals

5. Final Evaluation Reports and Progress reports of COST Actions

6. Progress report on COST Office initiatives: survey on customer satisfaction, impact of results, etc.

7. Status of the EC-ESF contract

8. Information on the possible Ministerial Conference 2008



11. Cooperation with non-COST countries

12. COST support to Young Researchers

13. Draft agenda for the 166th CSO meeting

14. Future meetings

15. Any other business

NB. The JAF Group will meet in composition as set out in its working methods (doc. COST 283/04).

At the invitation of the CSO President a representative from Austria, Finland and Germany (former, current and next EU Presidency) and Mr Chris Reilly (Rapporteur for item 11) are invited to attend the meeting.

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