Obituary - Nabil Gindy

六月 13, 2013

An expert in manufacturing technologies who went on to spearhead the research programme at the University of Nottingham’s Chinese campus has died.

Nabil Gindy was born in Cairo, Egypt on 3 November 1950 and studied mechanical engineering at Mansoura University. After graduating in 1974, he moved to the UK for an MSc in production engineering and management (1976) and a PhD in manufacturing engineering (1978), both at what was then the University of Aston in Birmingham.

After work as a lecturer at Coventry University (1978-79), Professor Gindy returned to Aston as a research fellow (1979-82). He was a lecturer at the University of Aberdeen (1982-84) before becoming a lecturer and later senior lecturer at Loughborough University (1984-93). He then moved to the University of Nottingham, where he would spend the rest of his career. Initially appointed professor of advanced manufacturing technology, in 2009 he became vice-provost for research and dean of the graduate school at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC).

His research interests included techniques for tooling the complex materials used in aero engines and the development of “smart materials” with applications in devices such as car shock absorbers. Professor Gindy was also an expert in methods of technological planning based on better understanding of companies’ future technology requirements and investment opportunities.

At Nottingham, he was founding director of the Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre in Manufacturing Technology, the Innovative Manufacturing Research Centre and the Centre for Sustainability in Global Manufacturing. The last of these was funded by the university and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council to link researchers from Europe, the US, China, India and Malaysia working to reduce the carbon footprint of manufacturing.

At UNNC, he led the research agenda and promoted closer cooperation with government and business. His work resulted in innovations in knowledge- integrated design and manufacture, intelligent processing technology, process monitoring and control, machine tools and responsive manufacturing systems. A commitment to sustainability also led him to found a multidisciplinary research and educational partnership between academia, industry and government known as the Sino-UK Low Carbon Manufacturing Consortium.

Stephen Newman, professor of innovative manufacturing technology at the University of Bath, described Professor Gindy as not only “a leading academic but, more importantly, a real gentleman who loved his work and cared for his colleagues and was always there to give advice, encouragement and support”.

Professor Gindy died of cancer on 3 May. He is survived by a daughter and a son.



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