WTO panel ruling on EU measures affecting approval and marketing of biotech products will be complete by end September 2006

四月 3, 2006

Geneva, 31 March 2006

Communication from the Chairman of the Panel

Document number: WT/DS291/31 31 March 2006 (06-1473)

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The following communication, dated 30 March 2006, addressed to the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB), is circulated in accordance with Article 12.9 of the Dispute Settlement Understanding (DSU).

The Panel in European Communities - Measures Affecting the Approval and Marketing of Biotech Products (WT/DS291, WT/DS292 and WT/DS293) indicated in its communication to the DSB of 21 December 2005 (WT/DS291/30, WT/DS292/24, WT/DS293/24) that it expected to issue its final reports to the parties by the end of March 2006. However, it will not be possible for the Panel to do so. The Panel has yet to receive, in the second half of April, further comments from the Parties on its interim reports. The Panel estimates that it will issue its final reports to the parties by mid-May 2006. At that point, the Secretariat needs to complete the translation of the reports before they are circulated to Members. In view of the unprecedented length and complexity of the Panel reports, it is not possible to provide an exact date of circulation of the reports to Members. It is estimated that the Panel reports will be circulated to Members no later than the end of September 2006.

World Trade Organization -- WTO



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