University of Exeter

二月 4, 2008

Marion Gibson of the department of English and Garry Tregidga of the department of Cornish studies have obtained a £252,000 grant from the AHRC for their “Mysticism, Myth and 'Celtic' Nationalism” project, a research collaboration between the deparmtents of English, History and Cornish studies.

A grant of £23,403 has been awarded to Academic Services to open up, through cataloguing, a series of literary archives with potential for research and learning. The Writing Lives Project 2008/9 will describe and promote selected papers of Ted Hughes, Agatha Christie, John Betjeman, Margaret Forster, Jack Clemo, Charles Causley and Patricia Beer.

A grant of £224,208 has been awarded to Jonathan Githens-Mazer as part of Economic and Social Research Council’s New Security Challenges: 'Radicalisation' and Violence – A Critical Reassessment Research Initiative. The research will focus on “Cultures of Repression: the Legacy of Colonial Violence and State Repression in the Maghreb, and its effect on North African Diasporas in Europe”.

Ana Vadillo of the department of English has been awarded a grant from the British Academy of £7,491.00 for the project “Works and Days: The Journals of Michael Field, 1888-1914”.



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