Unhappy shuffle

九月 21, 2007

The shadow education team showed little unrest at last Sunday's Liberal Democrat conference, but Peep has heard not everyone is entirely delighted. After Labour's reshuffle, Sarah Teather, the Education Spokeswoman, was offered the weighty schools brief.

She happily accepted. Then the offer was retracted and handed to David Laws, the Pensions Spokesman. Ms Teather was offered the universities brief instead. Understandably piqued, she refused the offer, which passed to Stephen Williams - an obvious choice given that he held the further and higher education ministers' portfolio, shadowing Bill Rammell. He accepted. Then Ms Teather calmed down and changed her mind.

Now Mr Williams is Shadow Minister for Schools - a waste of his knowledge and experience - and Ms Teather is making the most of a job she didn't really want.



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