Standard cvs for EU graduates

六月 11, 2004

The European diploma supplement, a linchpin of the Bologna process, is to be incorporated into Europass, a comprehensive curriculum vitae system designed to help graduates gain recognition for their qualifications across the European Union.

The Council of Ministers and the European Parliament have, in principle, approved Europass, which will contain personal documents in a common format. As well as including the diploma supplement - which has been introduced by the European Commission, the (non-EU) Council of Europe and Unesco - a Europass would include:

  • A European cv with a standardised presentation of qualifications and competencies, including academic qualifications, work history and extracurricular experience
  • A "MobiliPass" recording training or study on a recognised EU course
  • A European language portfolio recording language abilities and cultural experience
  • A certificate supplement, attached to a vocational certificate, listing skills. It will include information on occupations covered, certificate level and entry requirements.

By 2005, every graduate should receive the diploma supplement free of charge in a major European language. This will describe the nature, level, context, content and status of a graduate's studies.

After the Europass gets final approval, probably later this year, each EU country must establish an agency to manage the system.



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