Sources for research funding

五月 26, 2000

Each week this section lists funds available for academic researchers. Items for inclusion should be

submitted to: Compiled by Sarah Knowles. A more comprehensive version of this service is available to subscribers on our Research microsite at NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF CANADA AND THE BRITISH COUNCIL


Exchange Awards

These support a programme of exchange of short-term visits (two weeks to six months) for students and staff researchers between laboratories of the NRC and those of the British universities and research councils. Detailed information and instructions may be obtained from the website. Applications may be downloaded, or obtained from: The Secretariat, NRC-BC S&T Fund, The British Council Canada, 80 Elgin Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5K7, Canada; tel: 00 1 613 237 1542 ext 286; fax: 00 1 613 569 1478; email: ukcanscience@ Next deadline: July 1.



Interdisciplinary Research Networks In Systems Theory -

call for proposals

EPSRC has already funded several interdisciplinary networks with a key objective being to identify a potential research agenda for systems theory. This additional call invites more networks proposals where emphasis should be placed on bringing together researchers from different disciplines. The call is supported by the council's programmes for IT and computer science, engineering and mathematics, however networks that include researchers from any other discipline, especially biology and sociology are also encouraged. Grants of up to Pounds 60k per network will be made for up to three years. The objectives of each network would be to explore a multi-disciplinary approach to some aspect of systems thinking and to contribute to a synthesis identifying the problems, priorities and prospects for systems theory and practice. Full details on the web or contact: Dr Rebecca Pool, IT&CS Programme, EPSRC, Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon, SN2 1ET; tel: 01793 444234; email: Deadline: July 24.


Discipline Hopping Awards - call for


These awards provide short-term support to pump-prime interdisciplinary research with the aim of encouraging long-term collaborations. The council has identified particular potential in the application of chemistry, physics and economics to addressing biological clinical and health research questions. This award scheme allows researchers who can demonstrate an appropriate track record in their own field to apply for funding to investigate and develop ideas, skills and collaborations in other disciplines. The awards can be used flexibly to develop interdisciplinary working by any method. The scheme is open to anyone who can demonstrate a proven track record in their own scientific field and is working in eligible academic institutions. Funding awards are based on (i) the applicants' cited achievements from previous work and (ii) the potential impact of the proposals. The awards are cash limited to a total of Pounds 50k and would generally be for one year. The exact amount awarded may be used at the award-holders discretion for salary costs (in which case indirect costs must be found within the cash-limited sum), consumables, equipment or travel. Deadline: September 15. Contact: Michele Michalczuk on tel. 020 7636 5422 or email: michele.





Research Awards

The mission of the CCFA is to stimulate and encourage innovative research in the basic biomedical and clinical sciences, which is likely to increase understanding of the etiology, pathogenesis, therapy, and prevention of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.

Research Grant Award: this award provides funds to enable established investigators to generate sufficient data to become competitive for funds from other sources. Eligibility is not restricted by citizenship or geographically.

First Award: this award is intended to underwrite the first independent investigative efforts of an individual; to provide an opportunity to demonstrate creativity, productivity, and further promise; and to help in the transition to traditional types of research project grants. The award is not intended for persons in mid-career who may be in transition to another endeavour. Eligibility is not restricted by citizenship; however, the applicant must be employed within the United States. Contact: Research and Education Department, Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America, 386 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016, USA; tel: 212 685 3440 or 800 932 2423; fax: 212 779 4098. Next

deadline: July 1.


AWARD 2000: invitation for entries


The Eppendorf Award is donated annually to acknowledge outstanding contributions to biomedical research based on methods of molecular biology. Young researchers residing in Europe who are not considerably older than 35 years, are invited to apply. Applications consisting of a short curriculum vitae, a list of publications and the paper(s) to be evaluated should be submitted in English to: Eppendorf - Netheler - Hinz GmbH

Dr Gunter Bechtler

D-22331 Hamburg

Germany; tel. +49 40 538 01 291; fax +49 40 538 01 757. Full details on the website. Deadline: June 30.


Ethicon Travel Awards

The Ethicon Foundation Fund was established in 1983. The purpose of the fund is to promote international goodwill in the specialty of obstetrics and gynaecology.

These travel awards are advertised and awarded twice yearly. They are available for members of the college, from the British Isles who are trainees, and overseas members not in independent practice, who wish to attend postgraduate training courses or to visit centres of research. Application forms can be downloaded or obtained from: Mrs Roopa Deshmukh, Awards Secretary

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Sussex Place,

London NW1 4RG; tel: 020 772 6263; fax: 020 772 6359; email:

Deadline: July 31.


Research Committee Studentships

Each of the seven BBSRC research committees and the bioinformatics panel has a limited number of project-based studentships in specific topic areas available to start on October 1, 2001. Applications will only be accepted within specified studentship areas (listed below). Applications may be submitted from eligible individuals - principally established researchers in universities in GB and in the BBSRC-sponsored institutes - for a research studentship or CASE studentship to carry out projects within the specific priority areas. The relevant application form and guidance notes can be downloaded from the website. For paper copies and queries relating to applications for BBSRC studentships contact: BBSRC Secretariat & Liaison Branch, Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon SN2 1UH;

email: There is a 24-hour answering machine (01793 413348). Committee studentship topic areas:

agrifood; animal sciences; biochemistry and cell biology; bioinformatics; biomolecular Sciences; engineering and

biological systems; genes and developmental biology; plant and microbial

sciences. Deadline: August 4.



Bursary Scheme

The scheme enables young scientists from any country to attend Novartis Foundation symposia and, immediately following the meeting, spend four weeks in the department of one of the symposium participants.

The award consists of:

(a) travel expenses to symposium and host


(b) board and lodging

for the duration of

the bursary.

Applicants must be aged between 23-35 on the closing date for application. It is essential that they be actively engaged in research on the topic covered by the symposium. They should not already have accepted an invitation to participate in that symposium.

Applications are now invited for the following symposia:

Causes and consequences of acidic pH

in tumours. Date: 10-12 October 10-12. Venue: London. Deadline:

June 30.

Sodium channels and

neuronal hyperexcitability. Date: November 14-16. Venue: London. Deadline: June 30.

Full details on the web or contact: The Bursary Scheme Administrator, The Novartis Foundation, 41 Portland Place, London W1N 4BN; fax: 020 7436 2840; email:


Third Call for

Conference Proposals

Since 1990 the European Science Foundation (ESF) has been running the Programme of European Research Conferences (EURESCO), consisting of top-level scientific discussion meetings in all areas of research

Following peer review, the EURESCO committee will draw up a shortlist of high quality conference proposals. Selected proposals, with the administrative support of ESF, are submitted to the European Commission for a Euroconference grant. For each EC-supported conference ESF will then provide additional funding of up to E8,000. For shortlisted conferences that do not receive EC support ESF will provide grants of up to E25,000. Deadline: September 15. Only proposals for conferences taking place in the year 2002 or after will be considered. About 30 proposals are likely to be accepted. Proposals should be drafted according to the guidelines on the EURESCO web pages. Before developing a full size proposal it may be appropriate to contact the EURESCO office by email with a short synopsis to verify whether the planned event(s) would be suitable for the scheme.




Research Grants

MDA supports research aimed at developing treatments for the muscular dystrophies and related diseases of the neuromuscular system. These are the muscular dystrophies (among which are Duchenne and Becker); motor neuron diseases (including ALS and SMA); the peripheral nerve disorders (CMT and Friedreich's ataxia); inflammatory myopathies; disorders of the neuromuscular junction; metabolic diseases of muscle as well as other myopathies. To be eligible to apply for an MDA research grant, an applicant must hold an MD, PhD, or equivalent degree. Awards are for either one, two or three years. A pre-proposal form must be completed to formally request an application for an MDA research grant; this can be done online. Contact: Muscular Dystrophy Association, Grants Manager - Research Department, 3300 E. Sunrise Drive, Tucson, AZ 85718, USA; tel: (520) 529 2000; fax: (520) 529 5454; email: Next deadline:

June 15.




Nasa solicits investigations in the areas of (1) analysis and interpretation of ocean processes using satellite, aircraft, and in situ data, (2) multi-sensor approaches to understanding ocean phenomena, (3) understanding and estimation of air-sea fluxes, (4) providing the scientific basis for next-generation ocean remote sensing technologies, (5) temporal and spatial variability of primary productivity and new production in the ocean, (6) identification of phytoplankton taxonomic groups from space or airborne sensors, (7) investigating and evaluating oceanographic links between high latitude climate and lower latitude climate, and (8) development and demonstration of data assimilation techniques for the improvement of polar ocean and sea ice models. The present announcement is for the selection of investigations to be carried out for a period of three years. Contact: Dr John Marra, Programme Scientist, Oceanography; tel: (202) 358 0310; fax: (202) 358 70; email:

Deadline: July 26.


Travel Awards

Grants, currently up to the value of Pounds 400, are available to assist members to attend scientific meetings or to visit laboratories for specific short-term activities such as collaborative research or to learn techniques. Support under this scheme is available to society members who were elected to the society at least twelve months before the closing date for applications and who are in good standing with their annual subscriptions. Awards under this scheme are not intended to cover the full cost of the proposed activity. In making awards the panel will consider the scientific value of the applications received and will look favourably on younger scientists. Travel award forms are available by emailing or can be downloaded in PDF format from the website. Next deadline: August 1.


Research Readerships, Senior Research


These schemes are aimed at established scholars in UK universities who are in mid-career, have already published works of intellectual distinction, and who are hampered in their efforts to accomplish a major piece of research by their burden of teaching and administration. The awards are designed to allow the successful candidates to undertake or to complete an approved programme of sustained research, while relieved of their normal teaching and administrative commitments, which will not only be an important contribution to knowledge and understanding but also help to enhance the future career and career prospects of the award-holder. Research readerships are tenable for two years. Senior research fellowships are tenable for one year. These schemes are open to scholars in the humanities and social sciences. Application forms are available from the academy's research posts department; tel: 020 7 969 5265; fax: 020 7 969 5414; email: or to download from the website as a rich text format form.

Deadline: July 31.




Lindbergh grants are made in the following categories: agriculture; aviation/aerospace; conservation of natural resources - including animals, plants, water, and general conservation (land, air, energy, etc); education - including humanities/education, the arts, and intercultural communication; exploration; health - including biomedical research, health and population sciences, and adaptive technology; and waste minimisation and management. Deadline: June 13. Contact: The Lindbergh Foundation, 2150 Third Avenue North, Suite 310, Anoka, MN 55303-2200, USA;

tel: 763 576 1596; fax: 763 576 1664; email:




Researchers are invited to join the recently established pharmacogenetics research network and knowledge base. The intention is to expand the scope of the network by adding more groups interested in studying how genetic variation contributes to interindividual differences in drug responses by collecting comprehensive, integrative information about specific proteins and genes. The focus of research for a group will not be specified, although variations in the effects of drugs as mediated by target receptors (or pharmacodynamics) are of particular interest. Enquiries regarding programmatic issues to: Rochelle M. Long; tel: (301) 594 1826; fax: (301) 480 2802; email: Letter of intent deadline: June 9. Deadline for full applications: August 9.


Pharmacogenetics and human DNA sample collections - call

for proposals

The Wellcome Trust's Medicine in Society programme aims to support research and activities concerning the social, ethical and public policy implications of modern biomedical science. It will consider research applications from a variety of disciplines, including the social sciences, policy studies, ethics and law. This call for proposals forms part of the trust's programme to support research into the ethical, legal and public policy implications of advances in biomedicine. Responsive mode funding of research projects will continue. Applications can only be accepted from UK-based researchers. Applications from non UK-nationals will be considered but only to do research in the UK. Furthermore, the applicant must demonstrate commitment to staying in the UK to pursue a long-term career. Preliminary applications should be submitted in writing to the address below and should include: applicant's name and contact details; CV of the applicant; title and a brief outline (500 words maximum) of the project, including expected outcomes, target audience and project evaluation;

approximate costs. Preliminary applications should be submitted at least one month before the deadline for full applications. Next deadline for full applications: September 1. See the website or contact: Dr Helen Goulding, Programme Officer, Medicine in Society Programme, The Wellcome Trust, 183 Euston Road, London NW1 2BE;

tel: 020 7611 8415; fax: 020 7611 8254; email:



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