Sources for research funding

五月 12, 2000


Community cooperation against marine pollution

The scope of this call for proposals is to identify actions which might be eligible for financial support from DG Environment in the field of Community cooperation against accidental or deliberate marine pollution. This support would be in the form of cofinancing grants. The objective is to support and supplement Member States' efforts at national, regional and local levels for the protection of the marine environment, coastlines and human health against the risks for accidental or deliberate pollution at sea, excluding continuous streams of pollution originating from land based sources

Envisaged actions:

- Training courses and workshops

- Actions for improving techniques and methods of response and rehabilitation (pilot projects)

- Conferences and events. Deadline: May 31. Details are set out in the call documentation available at:

funding/intro-en.htm. Contact: Mr G Vincent/Mr G Ferraro, Environment Directorate general, Civil Protection Unit; tel: + 299.04.24; fax: +32.2.2 99.03.14; email: civil-




Scientist Awards 2001

The award provides $650,000 in direct costs for five years of research. Indirect costs are a maximum of 5% of direct costs. Each applicant must have an MD or PhD, and be at the assistant professor level or above. Full professors will be considered only under very special circumstances, such as researchers making a career transition from another area of speciality into HIV/AIDS. Persons with endowed chairs are not eligible to apply. International investigators are encouraged to apply. All applications must have direct relevance to pediatric HIV/AIDS. Priorities for research: transmission of virus from mother to infant, including prevention, pathogenesis of HIV infection; mucosal immunity to HIV; characterization of immune response to HIV; central nervous system and HIV;

host genetic factors that increase or decrease susceptibility of the neonate to perinatal HIV infection;

vaccine development; breast-milk transmission;

epidemiology and health services research; other critical areas highly relevant to pediatric HIV/AIDS research. Online letter of intent cover sheet must be used for all submissions. Deadline June 13. Contact: Grants Dept, Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, 2950 31st Street, Suite 125, Santa Monica, CA 90405, USA, attn: Chuck Hoblitzelle, Program Officer; tel: (310) 314 1459; tel: (310) 314 1469; email:


Social Sciences

Exploratory Research Workshop Fund

The standing committee for the social sciences of the ESF has launched a scheme of small awards to support the development of social science research at the European level. The purpose of the scheme is to offer seed money to build and strengthen research contacts, to test innovative ideas and to develop potential collaborative research projects. Proposals are invited which demonstrate European added value through the adoption of a comparative research approach, and address basic research issues of medium to long-term importance. The SCSS would be particularly interested in receiving proposals on the following topics:

A - Mobility, Migration and Family in Europe

B - Corporate Governance in Europe

C - European Urban Space; Growth, Social Equity and Quality of Life

D - Open element

Applications must be of the highest quality and demonstrate the potential importance of European research collaboration in the chosen field. In particular applications adopting an interdisciplinary social science approach are encouraged. Applicants should be groups of social scientists based in European universities and/or research institutes. The award is designed to cover the costs of small workshop activities, exchanges and travel and support costs. Deadline: June 2.

Complete and return the electronic application form available at the following ESF web page: /db/social/sw_call.htm to:

Ms Caroline Eckert, European Science Foundation

Exploratory Research Workshop Fund in the Social Sciences, 1 quai Lezay-Marnesia, 67080 Strasbourg Cedex France; tel: +33 (0)3 88 76 71 42; fax: +33 (0)3 88 37 05 32; email:


Joint Projects between the UK and Central/Eastern Europe and the

former Soviet Union

Applications are invited for grants for selected joint projects involving a UK group and one other group from one CEE or FSU country. The funding provided is small scale and may be seen as seed money for larger, long-term collaboration and further development.

Grants consist of up to Pounds 4,000 per annum to facilitate collaborative visits plus a further Pounds 1,000 per annum for research-related consumables. Applications will be considered for research in the natural and applied sciences including mathematics, engineering, medicine and the scientific research aspects of psychology, archaeology, geography and the history of science. Awards are not granted in the areas of social sciences or clinical medical research. British collaborators should be UK citizens and resident in the UK. The lead scientist (project leader) in each team should be of at least PhD status. The number of collaborators is flexible, but teams must be from academia, not industry. Further information can be obtained by contacting the International Exchanges Section on 020 7451 2563 or by emailing easteurope@ All forms and guidance notes available online. Deadline: June 15.



Support Fund

A sum of Pounds 5,000 has been allocated to provide support postgraduates in exceptional circumstances such as periods of ill-health, absence of essential facilities, disruption of supervision etc, to assist in the completion of their research projects and to bridge the period between graduation and the availability of full-time posts for especially gifted students. Graduates in physiology, or a related science, engaged in research in the UK in a department of physiology or related science, when their supervisor is a Member of The Physiological Society. The maximum award allowable will be Pounds 1,000 and not more than one award will be permitted to an individual. Deadline: July 31. Application forms can be downloaded from the web or obtained from The Administrator (Postgraduate Support Fund), The Physiological Society,

PO Box 11319, London WC1E 7JF; tel 020

7631 1459; fax 020 7631 1462.



Anglo-Portuguese Joint Research

Programme -

Treaty of Windsor

In recognition of the longstanding ties between Britain and Portugal a joint research programme for specific projects was initiated in 1986. Applicants must already have identified a Portuguese project partner who will be making a simultaneous application at the Portuguese end. The board is willing to accept applications either from the UK side or the Portuguese side, involving up to two institutions on each side working in the project area. The scheme covers projects in two areas:

advanced research projects carried out through collaboration between Portuguese universities, polytechnics and Ministry of Education supported research programmes and British research institutions;

staff and curriculum development projects in the Portuguese universities and polytechnics carried out through collaboration with British research institutions.

Deadline: June 30.

The maximum grant for each team in the partnership can be expected to be approximately Pounds 1,000 (a maximum total of Pounds 2,000 for the British and Portuguese teams together). Contact: Science and Exchanges Section (Treaty of Windsor),

The British Council, Rua Sao Marcal, 174 1249- 062 Lisbon, Portugal; tel: +351 21 321 45 06/7; fax +351 21 347 61 52; email:




Lindbergh Grants

Each year, The Charles A. and Anne Morrow Lindbergh Foundation provides grants of up to $10,580 to those whose individual initiative and work in a wide spectrum of disciplines furthers the Lindberghs' vision of a balance between the advance of technology and the preservation of the natural/human environment. Lindbergh grants are made in the following categories: agriculture; aviation/aerospace; conservation of natural resources - including animals, plants, water, and general conservation (land, air, energy, etc); education -- including humanities/education, the arts, and intercultural communication; exploration; health - including biomedical research, health and population sciences, and adaptive technology; and waste minimization and management. A Jonathan Lindbergh Brown Grant may be given to a project to support adaptive technology or biomedical research which seeks to redress imbalance between an individual and his or her human environment.

Deadline: June 13.

See the web for further details. Or contact: The Charles A. and Anne Morrow Lindbergh Foundation, 2150 Third Avenue North, Suite 310, Anoka, MN 55303 2200, USA;

tel: (763) 576 1596;

fax: (763) 576 1664;




Bursary scheme

The scheme enables young scientists to attend Novartis Foundation symposia and, immediately following the meeting, spend four weeks in the department of one of the symposium participants. Applicants (of any nationality) must be aged between 23-35 years on the closing date for application. It is essential that they be actively engaged in research on the topic covered by the symposium. They should not already have accepted an invitation to participate in that symposium. Applications are now invited for the following symposia:

Causes and consequences of acidic

pH in tumours

Date: October 10-12. Venue: London.

Deadline: June 30.

Sodium channels and

neuronal hyperexcitability

Date: November 14-16. Venue: London.

Deadline: June 30.

Contact: The Bursary Scheme Administrator, The Novartis Foundation, 41 Portland Place, London W1N 4BN; fax: 020 7436 2840; email:



Programme on Global

Security and Sustainability - Collaborative Research Competition

The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation invites proposals for collaborative research grants on new approaches to governance in the context of rapid globalization. The purpose of this initiative is to foster systematic interdisciplinary inquiry about cooperative arrangements to deal with problems that affect, and are affected by, global processes. Such problems might include ecosystem degradation and pollution, violent conflict, refugee movements, international financial crises, increasing economic inequality, the growing trade in commodities such as illicit drugs and weapons, and the spread of deadly diseases such as HIV/AIDS.

Research topics:

The Changing Nature of Sovereignty - Consequences for Security and Sustainability; Providing Global Public Goods;

Reconceptualising Human Rights, Citizenship, and Identity. Full details on web or contact: Collaborative Studies Competition

Program on Global Security and Sustainability

The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation 140 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois 60603, USA. Deadline: July 1.



Realising Our Potential Awards 2000 -

Call for Proposals

The scheme rewards researchers who receive substantial financial support from industry for basic/strategic research through the award of grants to support curiosity-driven research of their own choosing. Proposals must satisfy originality and feasibility criteria. Applications are invited from researchers in Universities and in Research Councils' institutes, units and establishments. Other researchers may apply if their establishments are currently eligible for Research Councils' responsive mode grants. ROPAs are available in all the research areas of all the Research Councils. Deadline: June 30. For further information contact Mrs Alison Webber: tel: 01793 411 741; email:



Process Industries IMI

(PI-IMI) - Twelfth Call for Proposals 2000

This call invites pre-competitive collaborative LINK research proposals between industry and the UK science base that will deliver major innovations in manufacturing in the Process Industries.

The Innovative Manufacturing Initiative (IMI) is an industry-led, sector focused, collaborative research programme, set within a business context. The IMI is sponsored by three Research Councils (EPSRC, BBSRC, ESRC) together with Government Departments and seeks to encourage more innovative manufacturing within the UK. In addition to the Process Industries, it includes Construction, Land Transport and Integrated Healthcare Technologies. A leaflet further describing PI-IMI objectives and priorities can be obtained by sending postal address details to: IMI Support Group - Mrs Veronica Green; tel 01793 444515; fax: 01793 444009; email Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon SN2 1ET. Applicants may find it helpful to discuss proposals in advance with Richard Bahu, the Sector Programme Manager; tel 01235 536766; fax 01235 536766; email Outline proposal deadline: June 16.



Development of Novel Imaging Technologies (Phased Innovation Award)

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) invites applications on the development of novel image acquisition or enhancement methods, incorporating limited pilot or feasibility evaluations using either pre-clinical models or clinical studies. This initiative is intended to facilitate the development of novel imaging technologies for early detection, screening, diagnosis and image guided treatment of cancer and other diseases. The intent is to stimulate: (a) the development of highly innovative image acquisition and enhancement methods, including high risk/high gain research on technologies that exploit our knowledge of the molecular basis of cancer or other disease, and (b) the

integration of these emerging technologies with traditional imaging methods for more effective health care delivery. Letter of Intent deadline: June 14. Full details on web. Contact: Barbara Y. Croft, Biomedical Imaging Program, National Cancer Institute,

6130 Executive Plaza, Suite 800, Bethesda, MD 20892-2590, Rockville, MD 20852, USA. Email:



Knowledge Programmes for Better Health 2001-2006

DFID's Health and Population Department (HPD) supports research and related activities that generate and communicate the new knowledge needed in order to

achieve better health for poor people. DFID is now seeking proposals for programmes of research that will integrate

perspectives and methods from a range of social science and public health disciplines in order to generate new knowledge that will inform the development of

international and national policies in any one or more of the following four areas: HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections; tuberculosis; infant and child health; health systems development. The next round of programmes are expected to begin in April 2001 and may be of three to five years duration. The maximum funding

for a single programme is Pounds 2m in total. Collaborative teams comprising UK research institutions and partners in poorer

countries are eligible to apply. Deadline:

June 14.


Small Ecological Project Grants

SEPGs are given to promote all aspects of ecological research and survey. They are given to people and not to organisations. The grant had been extended to enable ecologists to travel from the UK or Ireland to a third country, or vice versa, for the purposes of research where alternative sources of funding are inadequate. The public affairs committee is keen to support small pilot projects, in which cases the grants are viewed as pump priming. Occasionally grants will be given for the dissemination of the results of ecological work, particularly work supported by the society in its initial stages, and for the preparation of identification keys where these are seen to be essential for further ecological work. Grants are given towards the cost of travel, for the employment of casual and short-term assistance, and for the purchase of small items of equipment. Forms and details on web or contact: British Ecological Society, 26, Blades Court, Deodar Road, Putney, London SW15 2NU; tel: 020 8871 9797; fax: 020 8871 9779; email: Next deadline: July 1.

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