Sources for research funding

九月 10, 1999

Each week this section will list funds available for academic researchers.

Items for inclusion should be submitted to GSRT/BRITISH


Joint Research Programmes

The programme is for research and technological development, limited in time and with clear objectives, established between research groups from the UK and Greece. The 2000-2002 call for proposals comprises two joint research programmes, one each in the fields of: structural materials (ceramic, inorganic, metallic, polymeric and composite) in civil engineering; and detection of Infectious and toxic agents throughout the food chain. Applications will be assessed by a joint committee appointed by the Greek General Secretariat of Research & Technology (GSRT) and the British Council. Each research group should nominate a project leader, who will be responsible for all correspondence in relation to the application and subsequently to it. Applications should be made jointly by both groups. The appropriate application forms can be collected in person or sent by mail from the General Secretariat of Research & Technology, 14-18 Mesogion St., 115 10 Athens, Greece, or from The British Council, 17 Kolonaki Sq., PO Box 3488, 102 10 Athens, Greece. Completed applications should be returned to either of the above addresses; they should not be sent to The British Council in London. Deadline for requesting application forms: October 1. Deadline for the receipt of completed forms: October 8.


Small Research Grants

An open competition for curiosity-motivated basic, strategic or applied research. Bids should not be less than Pounds 2,000 and not exceed Pounds 35,000 (including indirect staff costs). No studentships are awarded under this scheme. All applications are subject to external peer review with final gradings being agreed by representatives of the appropriate Peer Review Committee (PRC). Closing dates: October 1; February 1; June 1.


The Harkness Fellowships provide an opportunity for professionals from Australia, New Zealand, and the UK to conduct a policy-oriented research project in the United States, gain first-hand exposure to innovative practices and models of health care delivery, enhance their methodological skills, and work with leading health policy experts in the United States. Fellows must demonstrate a strong interest in health policy issues. Studies that include comparisons between the United States and the applicant's home countries are encouraged. Deadline: October 1. For further details, or to request application forms please contact: Robin Osborn, Director of the International Program in Health Policy, The Commonwealth Fund, One East 75th Street, New York, NY 10021, USA; Tel: 212 606-3809; Fax: 212 606-3875; Email:



Epidermolysis Bullosa grants

Applications are invited from suitably qualified researchers for funding to investigate any aspect of Epidermolysis Bullosa. Applications will be competitive and peer reviewed. Deadlines: October 1, April 1. To obtain more information and application forms, contact: John Dart, Director, DEBRA, DEBRA House, 13 Wellington Business Park, Dukes Ride, Crowthorne,

Berks, RG45 6LS; Tel: 01344 771961; Fax: 01344 762661. Or download the application form from the website and then post or email it back to:




The Society sponsors a number of fellowships to enable members of the medical and scientific professions working in the UK or Ireland in experimental and/or pathologically or microbiologically related research to travel to other institutions for periods of up to 12 months to learn new techniques of value in their clinical and/or laboratory research. Closing dates for applications are October 1 and March 1 . Further details are enclosed and application forms are available from the Society's office, 2 Carlton House Terrace, London, SW1Y 5AF (Tel: 0171 976 1260).


Whitley Award Scheme for

International Nature Conservation

The scheme funds nature conservation projects located anywhere in the world. Projects should combine academic excellence with the objective of making a pragmatic, substantial and lasting contribution to nature conservation

preference given to those who commit a considerable period to working in their chosen field and who have established a viable operation involving team members from the host country. The winner of the Whitley Award will receive Pounds 50,000 payable in two instalments (Pounds 30,000 with immediate effect and Pounds 20,000 following receipt of a satisfactory progress report after 12 months). In addition, up to Pounds 60,000 is being offered to other short-listed candidates through the Iris Darnton Award, the Rufford Award and the Daniel Kelly Award. Deadline: October 15. Application forms can be downloaded from the website, or email the Grants Manager:


Scientific Programmes in the

Physical & Engineering Sciences

- call for outline proposals

The ESF standing committee for the physical and engineering sciences (PESC) calls for outline proposals ("concrete ideas") for ESF scientific programmes preferably related to the engineering sciences which are currently under-represented within the ESF programme scheme. Outstanding proposals from other domains of the physical and technical sciences will also be considered. In the first round, ESF-PESC calls for the submission of short outline proposals. The principal proposer(s) of the outline proposals that pass the first selection stage (approx. 12) will then be invited at the beginning of February 2000 to submit a full proposal. From these, 3-6 proposals will be recommended for launching. There are no specific application forms but proposals must follow the guidelines provided on the ESF website. Deadline: October 22.


Bioresource: Introduction

- fourth call

Through the European Commission's Training and Mobility of Researchers Programme, funds have been made available to provide access to European (and associated states) researchers to undertake short visits to utilize the facilities of The Natural History Museum and its associates for research purposes. Visits of up to three months are permissible. Researcher's travel costs will be met and a per diem provided to meet living costs whilst in London. The application form is downloadable from the website or can be requested from: Research and Consulting Office, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London

SW7 5BD; Fax: 0207 942 5841.

Applicants will be considered on a six-monthly basis. The application evaluation process takes 10-12 weeks. Therefore, visits should begin after December 6 and conclude before April 31. Deadline: September .


Research grants

Large Scale Facility (LSF) funds of the EU are available for supporting access to large comparative databases in the social sciences. Researchers are invited to work with comparative data sets in the research environment of NSD, located at the University of Bergen, Norway. Financial support is given to cover international travel and subsistence expenses in regulations for researchers participating in LSF-activities. Researchers from the EU or associated states may apply for financial support for a period ideally between two and four weeks. See the website for further details. For application forms contact NSD, Hans Holmboesgt. 22, N-5007 Bergen, Norway; Tel: +47 55 58 21 17 - Fax: +47 55 58 96 50; Email: No Deadline.


Livestock Production Programme

- call for concept notes

The LPP of the DFID's rural livelihoods and environment division invites applications for funds to support a limited number of livestock research projects to commence in April 2000. Concept notes are invited from institutions with relevant skills and experience. Deadline: September 24. Full details are available on the above website. For further information contact Sarah Godfrey, Project Co-ordinator LPP. Tel: 01634 883805; Fax:01634 883937; Email:

Funding listings are compiled by Sarah Knowles 0171 782 3225 Email:



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