Sources for research funding

九月 11, 1998

Each fortnight this section will list funds available for academic researchers. Details should be submitted to

European Coal and Steel Community Technical Coal Research Programme in the fields of mining engineering and coal utilisation. Proposals for collaborative research in the following areas are invited: Mining Engineering Efforts should focus on the development of methods and techniques aimed at reducing production costs in underground and opencast hard coal mining to improve economic viability in the light of international coal prices, to improve safety and working conditions in relation to such developments and to reduce the environmental impact of mining. Research proposals involving collaboration between hard coal and brown coal mining interests in subjects of common concern can be considered.

Coal Preparation and Utilisation Efforts should be concentrated on: cost decrease to improve coal competitiveness in a more open market, and improved advanced technologies to reduce pollution generated by all aspects of coal utilisation. Information: The European Commission DGXVIID2, TERV 512 200 Rue de la Loi B - 1049 Brussels Fax: +32-2-296 60 16 and at www.cordis. luecsc-coalhome.html Applications for financial support should be submitted to : Mr. J. K. Wilkinson European Commission DGXVIID2 TERV 512 Rue de la Loi 200 B - 1049 Brussels by October 12 .

The Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowships and Grants To support experienced researchers, particularly those who are or have been prevented by routine duties from completing a programme of original research. Applicants must be resident in the UK, be aged 30 or over, have been educated in the UK or some other part of the Commonwealth for at least two years at secondary school level and first degree level (where applicable) or be able to demonstrate they are permanent members of the UK scholarly community.

Eligible duration: Between 3 and 24 months. Awards to be commenced between June 1 1999 and May 1 2000. For application form F2 send an A4-size self-addressed envelope, stamped for 100 grams, after September 1 to the Secretary of the Research Awards Advisory Committee at the Trust. Application details not available after November 5.

Closing date: November 12.

Emeritus Fellowships To help established researchers complete and prepare for publication the results of research already begun. Applicants must hold or have recently held a teaching andor research post in a university or comparable institution in the UK, have retired in the past three years or have retired by the time of taking up the Fellowship, be aged 59 or above at the time of retirement. Awards start between June 1 1999 and May 1 2000. For application form F6 send an A4 sae, stamped for 100 grams to the Secretary of the Research Awards Advisory Committee at the Trust. Application details not available after November 5.

Closing date: November 12.


Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland A small number of Fellowships are available for members of the medical and allied professions for travel to other institutions to study new clinical or research techniques. Fellowships are tenable for up to 12 months. Applicants must be resident in the UK. Sums of up to Pounds 5,000 are available. Contact Mrs J Edwards, Administrator, Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 2 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AF. Closing date October 1.

The Patrick Berthoud Fellowship in the field of NeurologicalDisease The Fellowship would be held for three years in a UK research institute. Part of the Fellowship shall be spent in a US research institute. Up to Pounds 50,000 per annum available. Application forms and further information: Grants Administrator, The Patrick Berthoud Charitable Trust, Charities Aid Foundation, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent ME19 4TA .

Cancer Research Institute 681 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10022 Email: cancerres@ Web: www. The Cancer Research Institute (CRI) funds research aimed at furthering the development of immunological approaches to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of cancer. To this end, CRI offers postdoctoral fellowships to qualified scientists who wish to receive training in cancer immunology or general immunology.

Fellowship Programme The goal is to support postdoctoral researchers at leading universities and research centres who wish to receive training in cancer immunology or general immunology. Deadlines are twice a year, on October 1 and April 1. Applicants must have a doctoral degree and must conduct their proposed research under a sponsor who holds a formal appointment at the host institution. Further information, +212 688 7515, fax +212 832 9376 or email cancerres@

The Roche Organ Transplantation Research Foundation The foundation will support research into solid organ transplantation, particularly where there is unmet medical need. Those eligible for operating grants are established members of academic staff in universities, transplant centres and research institutes. The aim of the research must be to improve the outcomes of recipients of organ transplants.

Further details at www. Or write to: ROTRF, Postfach 222,6045 Meggen, Switzerland Tel: +41 41 377 53 35 Fax: +41 41 377 53 34 The Royal Society of Chemistry Burlington House Piccadilly, London WIV OBN Research Fund The fund exists to assist members in their research by the provision of grants up to Pounds 1,000, for example for the purchase of chemicals, equipment or for running expenses of chemical education research. Applications are limited to one per department and must be submitted through the head of that department. Application form from Stanley S Langer,at the above address. Closing date October 31.

Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International 120 Wall Street New York, NY 10005 Fax: 212-785-9595 Email: S ee web: www

Deadlines for research, fellowship, and career development applications: October 1, and March 1, 1999. A copy of the first two pages of the application must be received no later than September 15, 1998 or February 15, 1999.

Deadlines for innovative grants: A copy of the first two pages of the application must be received no later than December 15, 1998, or March 15, 1999. Further information: JDF Grant Office. Tel: (212) 785-9500. Fax: (212) 785-9595 E-mail: rmarsch@ Regular Research Grants JDF supports research for up to $100,000 per year and for two years.

Special Research Grants JDF will consider requests over $100,000 per year with a term of support beyond two years with prior approval.

Innovative Grants Awards are limited to $50,000 year for a maximum of two years and are awarded four times each year.

Applications are accepted four times yearly: July 1, October 1, January 1, April 1.

Conference Grants JDF provides support for conferences in two categories: under $10,000 and over $10,000.

Career Development Awards The award is for $75,000 per year (up to $25,000 of which may be requested for research allowance) up to a maximum of four years. Funding requests must be submitted in US currency. There are no citizenship requirements. Applications to: Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International Attention: Grant Administrator The British Ecological Society 26 Blades Court Putney London SW15 2NU Tel: 0181 871 9797 Fax: 0181 871 9779 Email: general@ Web: www. Electronic versions of application forms are available on the website. Applications for awards are welcomed from all ecologists. Awards are not restricted to those resident in the British Isles.

Early Career Project Grants Value of the award: up to Pounds 15,000. Closing date: January 31 Application: by form, available from the BES office.

Small Ecological Project Grants Special consideration is given to amateurs and to those with no alternative sources of funding. Value of the award: up to Pounds 1,000 for travel and up to Pounds 1,000 for other costs. Closing dates: January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1.

Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth RITE invites basic research proposals dealing with global environmental problems.

Category of Research Basic research aimed at the development of innovative technologies which will contribute to the solution of global environmental problems.

Themes of Research A Research concerning carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases considered to be the primary causes of global warming: 1 Efficient separation, recovery, disposal, re-use etc. of greenhouse gases.

2 Innovative process technologies which limit greenhouse gas generation.

3 Research concerning enhancement of CO2 sinks (eg. ocean sink, underground storage and reforestation through biotechnology).

B Research on other technologies concerning global environmental problems as follows: 1 Control of the generation and widespread release of chemical substances, apart from the greenhouse gases mentioned in (A), which are seriously detrimental to the environment, or detoxification of those substances.

2 Substitutes for the chemical substances mentioned above.

3 Recycling and effective utilisation of materials.

Up to 10 million Japanese yen will be allocated for each research proposal.

Deadline: October 30.

Individuals or groups engaged in research activities at research institutions etc. are eligible. The applicants' citizenship or proposed site for the research will not be considered as criteria for selection.

Applicants should contact the RITE Section (as below) for further information. Fax is preferred. Please include phone and fax numbers. Secretariat, Research Proposals Reception Section, Research Planning Department, RITE, 9-2 Kizugawadai, Kizu-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto, 619-0292, JAPAN. Tel: +81-774-75-2302 Fax: +81-774- 75-2314. Email : Alzheimer's Disease Society Research Fellowships available. Support will be given for work in the social, psychological, biological or clinical fields relevant to dementia. The society welcomes applications for psychosocial research.

Applicants should either hold a PhD and be considering a postdoctoral research programme or, if in the psychosocial field, be of an acade@ic standard so that the fellowship will lead to submission of a doctorate.

Closing date for applications: November 16. Further details, tel: 0171 306 0606. Email 101762.422 @ or write to Jeremy Quinn, Alzheimer's Disease Society, Gordon House, 10 Greencoat Place, London SW1 P1 PH.

Association for International Cancer Research AICR is a charity which provides project grant funding for research into the origins of cancer. The projects supported are mainly in basic scientific research, although applications for clinical research projects will be considered as appropriate.

Support is normally in the form of 3 year project grants or 1 year pilot studies.

Collaboration between individual recipients of grants is encouraged. Applications for research grants are received from research staff at universities, research institutions and hospitals worldwide, and are refereed by the peer review system. The Association is keen to support recently qualified researchers, and encourages applications from this quarter.

There will be two rounds of applications in the year. The deadlines for the respective application rounds will be the last Friday in June and the last Friday in October.

For further details of funding available and requirements for submission of applications, please contact AICR at: AICR Madras House St Andrews KY16 9EH Tel: 01334 477910 Fax: 01334 478667 E-mail: web site: Funding listings are compiled by Sarah Knowles 0171 782 3225Email: sarah. knowles@



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