Six countries to fund joint systems biology projects

八月 12, 2005

Brussels, 11 Aug 2005

Six European countries are to launch a call for tenders for systems biology and microorganisms, the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research has announced.

Projects bringing together researchers from at least three of the participating countries will be funded with around 24 million euro, according to a statement. Partaking in the initiative are: Germany, the UK, the Netherlands, Norway, Austria and Spain. Germany has set aside around eight million euro in order to fund German research groups participating in the projects.

Systems biology at the level of microorganisms measures the quantitative biological processes and dynamics of a bacteria cell and describes them in a mathematical model. Biological experiments can then be simulated on a computer, and the results used in medicine, biotechnology, environmental protection and many other areas. The ultimate aim is the replacement of chemical procedures with customised procedures produced by biotechnology that are optimal in terms of energy and resources.

Projects will be selected by an independent international advisory committee.

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CORDIS RTD-NEWS / © European Communities
Item source: http:/// ALLER=NHP_EN_NEWS&ACTION=D&SESSION=&RCN= EN_RCN_ID:24281



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