Second interim report by Working Party on Nuclear Safety (link)

十二月 15, 2005

Brussels, 14 Decembere 2005

Full text of Document 15458/1/05 Revision 01
Suite of documents 15458/1/05

Subject: Second WPNS interim report

Pursuant to the WPNS working plan, delegations will find attached for their information the above report covering the activities carried out in the second semester of 2005 by the three sub-groups established under the WPNS. This interim report was compiled from information provided, under their responsibilities, by the sub-groups. It does not repeat, for SG1 and 2, the general sections on the mandate and scope nor the general description of tasks that was provided in the 1st interim report (doc. 104/05 ).

Given that the key products of this semester were already circulated as far as SG 1 (pre-study and questionnaire) and SG 2 (questionnaire) are concerned the report is fairly succinct for these two sub-groups.

ANNEX: Second Interim Report (2nd semester 2005) of the Ad hoc Working Party on Nuclear Safety (WPNS)


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