Revised Text of the Proposed Directive on the Contained Use of Genetically Modified Micro-Organisms (Codified Version) (extract)

九月 11, 2006

Brussels, 08 Sep 2006

Full text of Document 12570/06
Suite of documents 12570/06

No. Cion prop.: 10545/06 CODIF 23 ENV 363 SAN 175 CODEC 745
Subject: Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the contained use of genetically modified micro-organisms (codified version)

1. Following the circulation of the codification proposal, delegations sent comments in accordance with the working method agreed by the Working Party on Codification of Legislation.
The Commission replied in writing to those delegations that had sent comments.

2. The comments received by 20 July 2006, which affect several or all language versions, together with the Commission's reply, appear in the Annex.1

3. Comments submitted by the new Member States' which are apparently of a purely linguistic nature and relating solely to the language in question have not been included in the Annex. These Member States are however invited to raise in writing or during the meeting any matter they consider necessary.


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