Revised Statements for the Minutes on the "I/A" Item Note for the Proposed Decision Concerning the 7th Research Framework Programme (extract)

九月 22, 2006

Brussels, 21 Sep 2006

Full text of Document 12688/06 Addendum 01 Revision 01
Suite of documents 12688/06

No. Cion prop.: 8087/05 RECH 80 ATO 45 COMPET 68 CODEC 266, 11142/06 RECH 181 ATO 74 COMPET 188 CODEC 703
Subject: Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the 7th Framework Programme of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration (2007-2013) [first reading]
- Adoption (cp + s)
(a) of the common position
(b) of the statement of the Council's reasons
- Statements


"Germany welcomes the 7th Research Framework Programme as an important instrument for strengthening the scientific and technological foundations of the Community and to foster its competitiveness in important thematic areas.

Protection of human dignity and the right to Life necessitate the comprehensive protection of human life from the moment of its creation. Therefore, European Union support to research should not provide any incentives for the killing of embryos.

Germany therefore welcomes the declaration of the European Commission to continue the practice of FP6, and not to propose to the competent Regulatory Committee under FP7 any projects for financing which foresee the destruction of human embryos.

Although it considers the provisions concerning research with human embryos and human embryonic stem cells to be still insufficient, Germany approves the seventh research framework programme because of its outstanding importance for European research and for social development in the European Union. In this, Germany assumes that, notwithstanding the planned review of this area in the mid-term of the seventh research framework programme, the presently reached agreement concerning the ban on financing the procurement of human embryonic stem cells out of human embryos will remain valid beyond this time span because of its fundamental importance".


"In principle Austria supports the 7th Research Framework Programme as an important instrument for strengthening the Community's scientific and technological bases and for improving Europe's competitiveness.

As far as bioethics issues in the 7th Framework Programme are concerned, Austria has always advocated funding ethically unobjectionable research on adult stem cells from Community funds.

Once again, Austria emphasizes her position, already expressed frequently, that activities which imply the use of human embryos must not be funded through the 7th Framework Programme for Research. Austria is strictly against this kind of Research for fundamental ethical reasons.

Austria regrets that Article 6 of the 7th Framework Programme Decision allows the financing of research on human embryonic stem cells. Therefore, Austria cannot agree to the overall 7th Framework Programme of the EC".


"Poland fully recognises that the 7th Framework Programme is a key element of the renewed Lisbon Strategy involving partnership for growth and employment. The Programme represents an important step towards building the knowledge society, raising competitiveness and fostering social and economic progress throughout the EU.

In particular, Poland considers the creation of the European Research Council, the earmarking of significant funds for basic research and priority financing for the brightest young talents as highly valuable. Taking into account Europe's common interest, Poland has and will support increasing funds for research under the 7th Framework Programme.

Poland has steadfastly contributed to the realisation of the Lisbon Strategy and creation of the European Research Area. Our aim is to continue such activities and to support all steps taken in this regard by the Community. Furthermore, Poland holds in high regard the efforts made so far by the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council, in preparing the proposal for the decision concerning the 7th Framework Programme. We would like to demonstrate forcefully this appreciation, by voting for the proposal.

However, during discussions on the details of the Programme implementation, Poland consistently signalled that research activities involving any use of human embryonic stem cells or human embryos constitute a departure from the basic moral standards. Furthermore, taking into account


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