Open Call and Selection Criteria for New COST Actions (link)

四月 5, 2006

Brussels, 04 Apr 2006

Full text of Document 235/06
Suite of documents 235/06

To: COST Committee of Senior Officials
Subject: Open Call and Selection Criteria for new Actions

Delegations will find attached the document on the "Open Call and Selection Criteria for new COST Actions" as approved by the CSO at its 164th meeting on 29/30 March 2006.

Open Call and Selection Criteria for new COST Actions
Approved proposal:

(a) Open Call

The Open Call for the traditional COST Actions will be launched on 1 April 2006. It is a continuous and thematically Open Call for proposals with predefined collection dates. This call will be published on the COST web site, in the Official Journal of the European Union, on CORDIS, on the ESF website, in selected scientific journals, and other appropriate media, following the outline of contents in Annex I.

The first collection date will be 31 May 2006. Proposals submitted after 24:00 on 31 May 2006 will be retained for the next collection date.

(b) Selection Procedure

- Preliminary Proposals (based on a web template requiring a maximum of 1500 words) are to be submitted on-line to a dedicated data-base, operated by the COST Office. The proponent can indicate a preferred Domain.

- The COST Office will perform a pre-check and reject any proposals which do not meet the criteria for COST support, e.g. proposals requesting research funding (see Annex II.1).

- The COST Office will then allocate the remaining preliminary proposals to the respective Domains based on proponent's preference and its own judgment. Preliminary proposals that are not allocated to a COST Domain will be considered as "Interdisciplinary Exploratoria" (IE) and referred to an "IE Group", nominated by the relevant DCs. A chair will be nominated by the CSO President. The "IE mentor" will normally be a member of the CSO and, with the support of the COST Office, will form a small group of appropriate experts to guide the IE proposals through the selection process.

- The DCs will rank their respective anonymised Preliminary Proposals on the basis of the procedure and criteria listed at Annex II.2. Every DC member will be invited to assess the proposals by attributing 1 to 4 points to each criterion for each proposal in an automated process. The points attributed will be added and a ranking established. Access to the ranking database will be password protected. The same procedure will be applied in the case of IEs.


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