OECD Updates Consistent Dataset of 19 Countries' R&D Statistics: ANBERD (Analytical Business Enterprise Research and Development) database

七月 28, 2005

Paris, Jul 2005

The ANBERD (Analytical Business Enterprise Research and Development) database was developed to provide a consistent data set that overcomes the problems of international comparability and breaks in the time series of the official business enterprise R&D provided to the OECD by its Member countries through the OECD's R&D survey. Through the use of established estimation techniques, the OECD Secretariat has created a database for 19 of the largest R&D performing countries, as well as a zone total for the European Union. The database is designed to provide analysts with comprehensive and internationally comparable time-series on industrial R&D expenditures.

Industry coverage

  • Methodology

    Research and Development Expenditure in Industry 1987-2003, 2004 Edition (Paper version)

    The paper version of the publication presents industrial R&D expenditure data broken down in 58 manufacturing and services sectors for 19 OECD countries plus the zone total for the European Union. The reported data are in ISIC Revision 3 from 1987 to 2000 in national currencies as well as in PPP US dollars.

    ANBERD OECD Database, 2004 Edition (Electronic version)

    The electronic release presents the ANBERD R-2 data series for 1973-97/98, the ANBERD R-3 data series for 1987-2000 and the purchasing power parities for GDP for the ANBERD countries for 1973-2001. Both R-2 and R3 data series are in national currencies as well as in PPP USD.

    ANBERD R-2 data series (i.e. data based on ISIC Revision 2 classification) presents Industrial R&D expenditure data for 15 OECD countries plus the zone total for the European Union from 1973 to 1997/98: Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, West Germany as well as Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States (plus the zone total for the European Union).

    ANBERD R-3 data series (i.e. data based on ISIC Revision 3 classification) presents Industrial R&D expenditure data for 19 OECD countries plus the zone total for the European Union from 1987 to 2000: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States (plus the zone total for the European Union).

    Sample tables:


    http:///new.sourceoecd.org /rpsv/statistic /s23_about.htm?jnlissn=16081307

    Note: The STAN family of data sets (including STAN, ANBERD, STAN Indicators and Bilateral Trade) is now available on a CD-ROM together with a PDF version of OECD's Science Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2003. For further information regarding this CD-ROM see OECD online bookshop.

    Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
    Item source: SourceOECD.
    Item source: http:///www.oecd.org/ document/17/0,2340,e n_2649_33703_1822033_1_1_1_1,00.html Previous Item Back to Titles Print Item

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