News in brief

十月 23, 2008

International student recruitment

Nigerian powerhouse on the rise

Nigeria could become as important as India in the expanding international market for higher education, the British Council has said. However, the organisation has cautioned that tapping into the intellectual resources of the country will require "deep partnerships" between Nigerian and foreign universities. This week, British and Nigerian university vice-chancellors and policymakers attended a British Council "policy dialogue" in Abuja, Nigeria's capital, to discuss this potential. Peter Upton, director of the British Council in Nigeria, said: "Nigeria is the powerhouse of West Africa and already one of the top ten sources of international students for British universities ... If this investment in student mobility is matched by a commitment from British institutions to long-term partnerships, this could unlock huge potential for educational and economic growth in this region."

Undergraduate enrolment

Ten per cent growth for 2008

Nearly ten per cent more students have been accepted on to undergraduate courses in 2008 than last year. Figures released by the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service show that the total number accepted on to full-time higher education courses for 2008 entry was 451,871, a rise of 9.7 per cent on the previous year. The number of applications for 2008 entry was 582,657, up 9.5 per cent on 2007, or 6.3 per cent, if the decision to incorporate students applying for nursing and midwifery diploma courses is taken into account.

Science technicians

Trendy choices affect job market

There is a "national crisis" in the supply of science technicians because students are choosing to study "trendy" subjects such as forensic science and sports science rather than subjects such as applied science and chemistry. This is the conclusion of a report, Preparing for the Future: Applied Science, published by the New Engineering Foundation. It estimates that as many as 40,000 jobs remain unfilled because companies cannot find employees with the necessary science skills.

Research Councils UK

Indian opportunities explored

Research Councils UK (RCUK) has opened another overseas office, this time in India. It is located within the British High Commission in New Delhi and will work to identify and facilitate new research collaborations between British and Indian researchers. RCUK's other international offices are in Beijing and Washington.

Council for Industry in Higher Education

Think globally to fly higher

A global mindset is a must if students are to compete for high-flying jobs in an international marketplace after they graduate. New research by the Council for Industry in Higher Education (CIHE) suggests that it is "critical" that students develop international awareness, whatever discipline they are studying. The CIHE report, Global Horizons and the Role of Employers, calls for better support from universities and funding bodies to help students gain experience of studying abroad.



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