Latest news

十二月 6, 2001

Campaign to stop monkey business
Animal welfare campaigners today called for an urgent clampdown on the import of primates. The RSPCA said the move was necessary to end the suffering endured by more than 1,000 monkeys destined for UK laboratories each year.

Wellcome acquisition for the UK
The Wellcome Trust has acquired the entire archive of the work of Francis Crick, who discovered the structure of DNA with James Watson in 1953. The trust contributed £904,000 to keep the papers in the UK in a partnership with the Heritage Lottery Fund.

Teenagers really are adolescent
Awkward adolescence, typified by comedian Harry Enfield’s "Kevin" character, probably appeared only recently in human evolution, scientists say. An analysis of fossil teeth fragments by an international team led by Christopher Dean of University College London shows that the early human ancestor Homo erectus may never have been a teenager.

Fraser appointed as SQA chief
National Health Service manager David Fraser has been appointed chief executive of the Scottish Qualifications Authority, replacing interim chief executive Bill Morton who steps down next week. Mr Fraser said his aim for the SQA was a 100 per cent success rate.  

Women return to Kabul University
Kabul University is to reopen in March with women, who made up 60 per cent of the students before the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, back on campus. Registration is already taking place.

Sex-change don fights for inheritance
A transsexual university academic has asked the Kansas Supreme Court to declare her marriage legal so that she can claim part of her late husband's $2.5 million estate. J'Noël Gardiner, who teaches business administration at Park University in Missouri, was born a man and had sex change operations in 1994 and 1995. She married her stockbroker husband in 1998, when she was 40 and he was 85. Whether he knew of the operations is in dispute.



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