JAF Tasks for the Period 2004-2005 - Note from Prof. f. Fedi, President-Elect COST CSO (link)

六月 1, 2004

Brussels, 28 May 2004

Full text of Document 264/1/04 Revision 01
Suite of documents 264/1/04

- This is an information document prepared by the President-elect in consultation with the proposed members of the JAF Group and circulated in the CSO to inform in the most transparent manner about the way in which the JAF Group will operate.

- The suggested subdivision of tasks will be applicable as of 1st of June and in the hypothesis that the CSO approves the list of JAF members, as proposed by the President elect, in the meeting scheduled for the end of May 2004.

- For each task, a member of the JAF Group or the COST Office is appointed as Rapporteur. In preparing the documents to be examined and recommended by the JAF Group to the CSO, the Rapporteur may be helped by a sub-group of members of the CSO, which will have a pro- active role. The sub-group for tasks 2) and 3), which have a high priority, has already been identified. The other subgroups will be appointed, if necessary, after the first JAF meeting in June. The sub-groups will work by e-mail

- The work of JAF will be a common work: every member of JAF will have to approve the documents to be recommended by JAF for the approval of the CSO. The appointment of Rapporteurs and of the relative sub-groups is made only to identify who is going to prepare the documents to be examined by the JAF Group.

- Every member of the CSO is encouraged to contribute with ideas and proposals for the various tasks contacting the relevant Rapporteur by e-mail.

- For the objectives 2004-2005, reference is made to the objectives proposed by the COST CSO President elect Prof. F. Fedi for the triennium 2004-2007 (COST 244/04).


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